View Full Version : Corel Question

Craig Matheny
12-31-2011, 9:59 PM
Please look at the attached file I need to know of away to do this conversion easier then I am doing it now by breaking the lines

Tony Lenkic
12-31-2011, 10:35 PM
Select the object, Break curve apart (Ctrl K), select the rectangle/shift/simplify.

Craig Matheny
12-31-2011, 10:48 PM
I might be doing something wrong see attached to what I got in the top 2 images the bottom is what I need. I separated it for clarity

Larry Bratton
01-01-2012, 4:33 PM
I assume what your wanting to do is to vector cut the red outline and engrave the inside. I did it like this- selected the inside less the rectangle. Ctrl C (copy to clipboard) Then select the whole thing and Simplify. Now you have the outsides your needing as separate curves. Change to hairline outlines and red outline color if that's what you want. Now, do Ctrl V and paste the other curve over the outside. Order-send to back and fill it if your going to engrave it.

Craig Matheny
01-01-2012, 5:28 PM
Larry No I want to cut all the black lines as this creates a window and the red is also a vector cut low power just for marking it Look at question 2.cdr the bottom shows the items separate I can do this but the red traces over the cut wasting time. I need to simplify this process for my wife can do it.

Larry Bratton
01-01-2012, 6:54 PM
Do the same thing I said but you will have to change your black part to hairlines also. It was confusing to me because the lines were not set to hairline, indicating they were not cut lines. Hope this helps.

Craig Matheny
01-04-2012, 2:02 PM
Hey Larry I know it has been awhile on this I did what you said, but I still end up with double lines in the rectangle, so it cuts correctly and then it does the second pass low power to just mark but it should just mark the part outside of the rectangle any ideas

Larry Bratton
01-04-2012, 4:29 PM
OK. Try this. First of all, select your rectangle and Ctrl C to copy to the clipboard. Then with the rectangle still selected, open the Shaping Docker and then select Trim. Check Target Object to leave original. Then click the arrow on your inside part. The rectangle will disappear and you will be left with two curves. The curve on top will be both ends that your wanting to just mark. Set those to red hairlines and then set the other curve to black hairline. Ctrl V to paste your rectangle back in. You have the line set for the rectangle at .5 line width, which will not cut but engrave. Then do your color mapping to the power and speed setting for the red lined curves. This is separate now and it should cut and mark correctly.

Craig Matheny
01-04-2012, 5:26 PM
Still not doing it I will create the file I want it to become by hand and post it to show clarrity

Craig Matheny
01-04-2012, 5:29 PM
Here is the file I need it to end up like Pull it apart and it will make sense.

Larry Bratton
01-04-2012, 6:02 PM
Select the red curve-Cntl X. Then trim the black again, this time leave the source object as original. Then Cntl V to paste the red curve back in. Note that in this file, I have 1 red curve-you have 10.

Tony Lenkic
01-04-2012, 8:13 PM
Craig check this one.

Craig Matheny
01-04-2012, 8:19 PM
Craig check this one.
It looks correct so how did you do it?

Tony Lenkic
01-04-2012, 8:19 PM
Previous one image off the page. Here is new one.

Tony Lenkic
01-04-2012, 8:22 PM
Using virtual segment delete tool. Bit time consuming but it works.

Craig Matheny
01-04-2012, 8:24 PM
that is how I got my first one that is the problem this needs to work in a production flow.