View Full Version : Natural Edge Walnut

Thomas Heck
12-31-2011, 4:32 PM
This is my first NE that has kept the bark. It was pretty wet. What is the best thing to do to treat it?

Rich Aldrich
12-31-2011, 5:34 PM
Nice wood and nice shape. I am not sure of the best way to treat it. I have only turned one natural edge and completed it wet. I used ca glue at the cambrium layer between the bark and the wood to make sure the bark stayed on. I just bagged it and let it dry, then finished it. I let it dry for about 6 months then put salad bowl finish on it.

Fred Belknap
12-31-2011, 10:34 PM
If there is any loose bark I use CA to hold it in place. Most of the time I liberally apply WOP as a first coat, I think it helps to preserve the bark. I make sure the bark area is well saturated withe WOP. Other than that I finish as a regular bowl.