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View Full Version : Fence options for delta 34-350

Karl Card
12-30-2011, 9:15 PM
I folks, I now have my Delta 34-350 table saw going and I have to say that I absolutely love the power of this thing. 7.5 hps is wonderful.
Anyway what bring me to post is that I need a good fence. I am looking at the BC50 and I can get it for around $393 and that includes shipping and handling. I am wondering if this new fence though is all it is cracked up to be now that Delta has there hands in the making of it.

I am looking for either yes it is still a good fence or is there anything comparable out there that has been tried and true. Any feedback is appreciated.

For the folks that dont know, the Delta 34-350 is a 12 inch table saw and therefor I need a fence that is around 42 inches long and allow at least 50 inch rails.

mickey cassiba
12-31-2011, 6:02 AM
Delta has'had their hand' in Biesmeyer for quite some time. I can't speak to the quality of their current offerings, B&D made some pretty radical changes in all of the old tool group's various companies. The older Bies's were very well built, and judging by the rate of return(very low) quite popular.
And your right the -350 is one heck of a saw...congratulations! The last company I worked for had one outfitted with a Uni-fence, and it was our cabinet maker's personal favorite.