View Full Version : Branding signature

Eric Gourieux
12-29-2011, 11:47 PM
I received a branding iron for Christmas, and I'm not sure I want to keep it. I can order a personalized plate with my signature to "brand" my turned pieces. Has anybody used one? My name is long and my penmanship is poor (think doctor's signature). Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Scott Hackler
12-30-2011, 12:19 AM
My wife bought me a custom branding iron the first year I started turning (2009). It says Handmade by Scott Hackler and has a changeable date. I used it quite a bit at first, but have moved away from it for a couple reasons. 1st, it only fits on a 1 1/2" flat surface (not turning items that fit this) and 2nd, I prefer to hand sign with a burner or the high speed carver or even an archival ink pen. I believe that makes the piece a little more "custom". The wife isn't too pleased but oh well!

Mark Hubl
12-30-2011, 2:53 AM
I have one of the larger ones. I really only use it on flat work. Most turnings I have done don't have a place to put such a large brand. I like where DD has gone with the logo type brand. See his post for info.

Eric Skell
12-30-2011, 12:23 PM
I got one as a gift a few years back. I use it on every flat piece I make, it works quite well for that. I use it on bowl bottoms when they fit.

John Keeton
12-30-2011, 12:26 PM
It really depends on what you turn. If you are doing bowls, then most bowl bottoms could be done to accommodate a branding iron application. Outside of bowls, as Scott and Mark indicated, it would be difficult to use one often enough to have consistency in your signature.

Greg Just
12-30-2011, 1:02 PM
I have one and only use it on flat pieces. On my turnings I use my Dremel engraver.