View Full Version : Ebony and Holly Bangle

John Beaver
12-29-2011, 7:45 PM
Ebony Bangle with Holly Dots.

I really enjoy doing these "dots" bangles, and I wish the photo did the Ebony justice. This one was a xmas present for my mom.

John Keeton
12-29-2011, 7:49 PM
John, that is some very nice "fitting" with those holly dots - tight! Really a striking pattern, and I bet Mom loved it!

I am curious - did you have any difficulty with ebony sanding dust contaminating the holly?

Harry Robinette
12-29-2011, 7:55 PM
I love it and I bet mom did to. Same question as John sanding ebony with holly how did you keep the dust from contaminating the holly.
That is a beautiful piece.

David E Keller
12-29-2011, 8:23 PM
Lovely! I'd be hard pressed to think of a more striking wood combination.

Nate Davey
12-30-2011, 8:35 AM
Beautiful. I bet you'll be getting all kinds of requests for these once your moms friends see it.

Andrew Kertesz
12-30-2011, 9:00 AM
The picture looks like the inside is unfinished. If so, is there a particular reason?

Jim Underwood
12-30-2011, 9:23 AM
I noticed this on WOW forum last night, it struck me then, and it strikes me now. Very clean and classic.

I saw how to do those "dots" somewhere, but I forget how...

Mind giving us a refresher?

John Beaver
12-30-2011, 3:44 PM
Thanks for all the replies,

Working with the Ebony and Holly turned out better then I hoped. I got the surface as good as I could with tools, finishing with very light sheer scraping. Then did a first pass with sandpaper around 180. Blew that out with a compressor, then put sanding sealer and sanded with 220 & 320, then more sanding sealer and 400 & 600 and micromesh 1500-12000. (The sanding sealer, helps seal the Holly to protect the Ebony contamination) Lastly I finished with CA and repeated the micromesh and buffed.

Andrew, the inside is definitely finished although not polished to the degree the outside is. Not sure why it looks that way in the photo. I wish I had been more careful with the photo because the finish really is flawless.

John Terefenko
12-30-2011, 3:55 PM

Very nice piece. Very timely also about the use of sanding sealer because I am about to takle a ebony and holly pen and will encountering the same sanding situations. Thanks for the info and showing your work.

Bill Wyko
12-30-2011, 7:13 PM
That is just beautiful!!! i never thought of doing something like that. Well done John. I may have to give that a try one of these days.

Kathy Marshall
12-31-2011, 3:58 AM
Now that is just beautiful John! I have not doubt you'll be getting some requests for more just like it!

philip labre
12-31-2011, 8:15 AM
Another great piece, John! And thanks for sharing the finishing process.