View Full Version : Diamondwood drill bit speed

Hank Walczak
03-11-2005, 7:24 PM
When I drill Diamondwood pen blanks, I have trouble keeping the bit from wandering. I don't seem to have this problem with any of my other hardwood blanks. I'm not sure what the optimum drill press speed/feed rate should be. I try to make sure the bit doesn't overheat and remove the chips as much as possible. Suggestions??

Randy Meijer
03-12-2005, 10:03 AM
Are you using a brad point or bullet point bit???

Hank Walczak
03-12-2005, 5:20 PM
I use a bullet type drill.

Pat Salter
03-12-2005, 11:40 PM
Brad point might be better. also, do you have your wood/stock clamped down so it doesn't move??? I also move the bed of my drillpress up so there is only about a 1/2" between the drill point and the stock. Just some things to concider.

Randy Meijer
03-13-2005, 12:48 AM
I have never drilled DYMONDWOOD and have used only brad point bits; so I'm not of much help. I do read a lot and bullet point bits seem to be the favored configuration for difficult drilling situations. Why don't you take this question to penturners.org and see what they have to say??

Dale Thompson
03-13-2005, 8:10 PM
It is apparent that you are using the proper techniques in drilling these plasticized materials. The word is slow speed and slow feed with frequent bit cleaning. :) In addition to that, I use a syringe to inject water into the hole. Cooling is REALLY important with that stuff. It "melts" at a very low temperature. :( I also inject water when I am drilling blanks for antler pens.

This may fly in the face of commonly accepted practice. However, when I have had problems with drilling certain exotic woods and synthetic materials, I have regressed to the old basic "twist drills". :cool: For some reason, they have worked for ME! :confused:

Don't ask me why they work but, if you are really frustrated, they may be worth a try. It may just be that God has asigned a "Special" Guardian Angel to watch over me in the shop. :D I can't say that I argue with His logic. ;)

Dale T.