View Full Version : A turned base for a bust in the American Embassy in Paris

george wilson
12-28-2011, 11:28 PM
This was a base I turned from mahogany on an order from a diplomat who wanted to make a gift to the American embassy in Paris. It now sits in the Jefferson bedroom in the embassy.

It is about 12" maximum diameter. I do not know what the silver dedication ring says as it was engraved after I delivered the base.

I finished it to order with that dark mahogany colored lacquer that I refer to as "The corporate color" because it seems so many gifts were thus finished,and a lot of office furniture is that color.

The bust is about 2 feet tall,and is a copy of a bust that Jefferson had commissioned to be made of himself originally.

Joe Fabbri
12-29-2011, 8:44 PM
Another impressive piece, George. Thanks for sharing.

Just curious, is the base also a replica of the original base? Or did the original not have a base?


Jessica Pierce-LaRose
12-29-2011, 10:09 PM
I know bupkis about turning, but I know I like that.

(I didn't realize the picture got even bigger if you clicked, and then clicked again)

Very cool that you have something in the embassy. An honour.

george wilson
12-30-2011, 11:01 AM
I was left to my own devices to design the base for the bust. I did not even draw a drawing,just turning the base out of a thick,round piece of mahogany. For the design,I bore in mind the bases of classical Greek columns. The area where the silver dedication sleeve was to fit was the only dimension specified. Then, I sprayed the base with the shading lacquer I had been given,finishing over it with satin lacquer.

Joe Fabbri
12-30-2011, 1:37 PM
Well, for just having the sleeve dimension to go by, it looks like it suits the bust very well. Nice proportions.


Bill White
12-30-2011, 3:42 PM
George, very tasteful. I want to spend a month in your shop watching you work. I'll be quiet.

Stewie Simpson
12-31-2011, 2:22 AM
Wonderful work George. Stewie