View Full Version : Bow Saw Recommendation?

Jon McElwain
12-28-2011, 2:15 AM
So, I've got this cheap Irwin bow saw I bought a few years ago for cutting some limbs and such. The thing was so misaligned that I could not even cut a 2" branch straight. I tried cutting a couple of Christmas trees down with it over the years, but even after carefully aligning it, trying a new blade, throwing it over a cliff, etc. it still does not cut straight. I am about done trying and would like to just buy a new saw. I am not Neander enough to make one - I just need a good recommendation on one that will cut my Christmas trees without taking the joy out of the whole experience! My dad's saw cut 20+ Christmas tree's before I left the house, and almost 20 years later, I still see him using it once in a while. What gives?!?


Mike Holbrook
12-28-2011, 7:19 AM
I would check out the saws by Woodjoy Tools. In my research I found two issues that seemed to make or break bow saws. One is the blade they use, there are some good ones and some real stinkers. Woodjoy saws use the Japanese blades that cut well and are easily replaced. The second issue is the system for tightening the blade. Woodjoy Tools uses a unique two piece toggle that I think simplifies and improves this important feature on this type saw.

Zach Dillinger
12-28-2011, 8:32 AM
You can't swing a dead cat in an antique mall without hitting an old bucksaw. If you can sharpen saws (even in the most basic way, since you aren't doing fine work with it), you can buy a great old saw for next to nothing.

Jack Curtis
12-28-2011, 10:09 AM
Maybe it would be a good idea to ask your Dad to teach you how to saw. Granted, you may have a crap saw, but even a great saw doesn't guarantee good results.
