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View Full Version : Cherry Burls

Ken Hill
12-27-2011, 7:31 PM
Got the call today that I can go in and cut every burl I can find. In this picture alone there are over 30. This section will be clear cut this spring so its open season. Sunday thats where we will be, high on the ridge picking up blanks I have cut and cutting more.

I know to cut the tree off a foot or so from the burl on each end, but how small is to small? Some of these ranged from two fists to basket ball size.


David E Keller
12-27-2011, 7:47 PM
Obviously the larger burls will give you more options, but the smaller ones are great for small hollowforms, boxes, ornaments, and pens. Be careful, Nate will be offering you $3 apiece for them as that's what he's accustomed to paying!:D If you have round two of burlapalooza, you can put me down.

Jim Burr
12-27-2011, 7:57 PM
In the boat with Keller...send me what is affordable...on his tab!;)

David E Keller
12-27-2011, 8:02 PM
In the boat with Keller...send me what is affordable...on his tab!;)

Nice of you to keep it affordable on my tab... Most would not be so frugal with the funds of another!

Jim Burr
12-27-2011, 8:05 PM
Ahhh...but a fellow medicine brother to another!! Ok Ken...His on my tab...$10 buck worth!

Ken Hill
12-27-2011, 8:09 PM
Well I have to shoot a wedding kind of close to there so its not an out of the way trip. We figure the big bears are denned up so I havent been back down to hunt, I get an update every few days and am packed and ready to roll out if they call LOL!

I will surely post my haul, hopefully its a truck full and then some! The Monster is still out of reach for now so I will be sharing ofcourse.

David E Keller
12-27-2011, 8:23 PM
...The Monster is still out of reach for now so I will be sharing ofcourse.

If you're taking up a collection for a monster, I'm sure we could work something out!:D

Scott Hackler
12-27-2011, 8:28 PM
Ken, if you end up doing a "burlpoloosa part two" I am definitely in the hand raising crowd! And if Keller has a tab.....well I will take them all!!! :)

Steve Kubien
12-27-2011, 8:31 PM
Mr. Hackler, how is your paw feeling? Did you survive Christmas lifting of adult beverages?

Ken Hill
12-27-2011, 8:37 PM
You guys know I will gladly share. I am writing up Mr "Moneybags' Kellers invoice now haha:D

Nate Davey
12-27-2011, 8:46 PM
I thought $3 was a very reasonable price for those ugly old burls. I'll take mine on the good Dr. tab too:D

Faust M. Ruggiero
12-27-2011, 9:00 PM
I would be happy to contribute to your Monster Fund. If the timing is right I might even stop by while heading south in January.

Ken Hill
12-27-2011, 9:04 PM
I couldnt take any money for these, they arent costing me anything but some time and gas/oil. If I had to pay to harvest them I intern would pass it on. Faust, you are more then welcome to come by. Ive been getting calls almost daily about wood so I hope to start building a health supply. A buddy called today and said he had someone with a black walnut, huge tree, down and needed it cut up and hauled off. He called back to say another person was already handling it and all they had left was some trash trees.....I asked him to stop and get me some pics just incase those "trash" trees might be something worth getting LOL!

What have you people turned me in to bahahaha!

Ken Hill
12-27-2011, 9:13 PM
BTW, they are calling for high wind tomorrow, so when I head to town I will take all back roads with my saws ready to help "clear" roads LOL

Peter Elliott
12-27-2011, 9:22 PM
I see another road trip for DAMP... let me know!

David DeCristoforo
12-27-2011, 10:17 PM
I'll trade you some peyote for a few of those burls...

Ken Hill
12-28-2011, 4:52 AM
No Peyote DD, but I wont pass up a jug of clear mountain juice;) Around these parts its as good as cash LOL

Larry Pickering
12-28-2011, 9:04 AM
David is not the only one with a wood fetish, would be more than happy to make a donation to your monster fund, have trouble finding burls on the cypress trees, around here.

Roger Chandler
12-28-2011, 10:19 AM
You just got that Jet.....barely got it dusted up, Ken! What's this about a Monster fund? If you are going to do that, then might as well step it up some...............go Robust American Beauty.........or perhaps a VB-36..........I mean, why take more intermediate steps than is necessary? :D:p