View Full Version : Wetzler Clamps - Still in Business?

John Rutherford
12-27-2011, 2:18 AM
Is Wetzler out of business? I have been trying to order clamps from them for the past 6 mos. Their website accepts but does not process orders, their voice mail box is full, and they do not respond to emails. I am a huge fan of their product and do not want to resort to alternatives, but I have a project coming up and just can't wait much longer.

I know they have never been known for quick turnaround, but this is pushing it. I placed an order for some cross clamps a few months back and they arrived several months later, but at least I got a confirmation and some sort of response from them. Since then, however, I have not been able to get anything from them. That was back in September.

Anybody have any concrete information if they have folded?

John Fabre
12-27-2011, 3:24 AM
Is Wetzler out of business? I have been trying to order clamps from them for the past 6 mos. Their website accepts but does not process orders, their voice mail box is full, and they do not respond to emails. I am a huge fan of their product and do not want to resort to alternatives, but I have a project coming up and just can't wait much longer.

I know they have never been known for quick turnaround, but this is pushing it. I placed an order for some cross clamps a few months back and they arrived several months later, but at least I got a confirmation and some sort of response from them. Since then, however, I have not been able to get anything from them. That was back in September.

Anybody have any concrete information if they have folded?
I hope they are still around, I wanted to order some clamps to try out. You said you bought clamps in September and tried six months ago to buy some, with no luck.

John Rutherford
12-27-2011, 4:21 AM
To clarify: I have been trying to get them to process an order since then -- for the past 4 mos. If anybody here has had better luck, or has a line on them, please weigh in!!

John Fabre
12-27-2011, 5:18 AM
I meant to mention, welcome to the creek John.

Curt Harms
12-27-2011, 7:00 AM
I wonder if they're like woodcraftbands, have a web page because somebody told 'em they ought to but really prefer phone calls. At least you could tell if the phone is still hooked up.

John Rutherford
12-27-2011, 10:14 AM
The phone forwards to a voicemail that says the box is full. Been that way for the past several months.

John Rutherford
12-27-2011, 10:14 AM
Thanks! Good to be here.

Dave Lehnert
12-27-2011, 11:06 AM
I have no idea if they folded or not but if you say "phone forwards to a voicemail that says the box is full. Been that way for the past several months" Not a good sign at all. Also, What would you do if your package arrived damaged?

Keep us posted what happens with your order.


I just Googled the address. There is a place across the street called Cramers Home Center. Maybe get their number and call, see what they know. Being a home center I bet they come in there to pick up supplies ??????

Craig Michael
12-27-2011, 3:09 PM
Take a look at this thread. This guy lives near by, pm him and see if he knows what their status is.



Steve Hoare
04-05-2012, 2:45 PM
Hi, I'm new to the site and based in the UK.
I've bought Wetzlers over the years and found them to be superb clamps, does anyone know if they are still trading, have looked for their website but it appears to have disappeared, I can only find them listed under the advertising pages on the web, have found a Wetzler web page but this is under the Treacey Ind. name which was the previous owner. Any info. would be much appreciated.

John Rutherford
04-05-2012, 2:48 PM
It would appear Wetzler is finally OOB.

Vijay Kumar
04-06-2012, 12:12 AM
It would appear Wetzler is finally OOB.
Curious how you know this? Any sources? It would be a real shame if it were true as they made the best clamps--no clutches, no ratchets, simple mechanical principle of locking due to the angle and clearance.