View Full Version : Walnut Clock

Peter Elliott
12-26-2011, 12:41 PM
I had these small clock kits around the shop for some time. I knew I wanted to make some kind of pedestal clock... Got the urge this past week to make one for the in-laws as a gift.. Walnut would match their new furniture.

Learned - making a round shape is not easy. I had feared I went too small but when finished, I could have spent more time make the sphere a "sphere"...

99% done and sanding off the lathe, the clock launched and needless to say got banged up. I had to remount it to a block of wood and try to re-sand, turn off a few dings. The remount wasn't perfect but good to sand and small fix.

The clock is pressed fit in and can come out without much force to adj time or change battery.

In-laws like it a lot..

217208 217207

I need to goto the "Ken Hills Photography Class" but I guess these will do...

I'll be making another for my Mom this week.

Primvs Aebvtivs
12-26-2011, 1:50 PM
Nice job putting the 'dings' right Peter! I like the colouring of the walnut, a real quality piece, no wonder you got another "Honey-do"...

Roger Chandler
12-26-2011, 3:03 PM
That is a pretty nice piece, Peter............

Steve Schlumpf
12-26-2011, 8:41 PM
Looks pretty good Peter! Always great to see some of the different items that folks turn! Looking forward to seeing the one that you turn for your Mom!

Jim Burr
12-26-2011, 9:46 PM
Ha!!! Peter, these made me smile...I like the imagination and effort it took to finish these off! I'm thinking of Big Ben, or to be exact...the old cast iron clocks on the streets where I grew up...not sure how tall they are now...but then they looked to be 6-7'? Good work sir!

Ken Hill
12-26-2011, 10:12 PM
The dings just give it character!

Peter Elliott
12-26-2011, 10:29 PM
Thanks all... I just let the tool/mind kinda do the work. Had no plan other than some spindle work I used to do a long time ago.. These are only about 11" high. It's kinda of stout but when looking at it feels balanced. Photos make it bloated :eek:

Jim - a mini big ben... haha.. like it... now when I make the next one. "look kids, there goes Big Ben"...

Ken, I thought so too. But just to be sure I got it back on the lathe, cleaned it up... It did go airborne - I should name it "Time Flies"...

Mike Cruz
12-26-2011, 11:01 PM
Cool, Peter. I'd like to see that/one of those in person.