View Full Version : Help with burl form

Paul Williams
12-25-2011, 7:24 PM
A fellow turner gave me the cut offs from some burls that he brought back form Texas. Mostly cherry, and most sized for pen blanks. I am not sure what type of wood this one is. Here is the basic form still on the lathe with a little BLO to show the grain.


My origninal plan was a form like this. Shown with the lathe photoshopped out.


I noticed that the glue block looks a lot like the stem for an elongated brandy snifter, and I kind of like the look. So I am wondering if it would look better as origninally planned or with a walnut base shapped like the glue block.


What do you think? All comments and suggestions are welcome.

Roger Chandler
12-25-2011, 7:38 PM
great grain figure in that...........looks a little like some big leaf maple I have seen posted on smc, but I really have no idea.

Ed Morgano
12-25-2011, 7:45 PM
I like the the glue block shape and color. I don't know about walnut.

Joe Watson
12-25-2011, 7:55 PM
WOW, thats some great looking wood.
I like the glue block also, not sure about walnut though, im thinking the darker base would draw the eye more towards the base and not the body... maybe a piece of non-figured cherry ?? nice thing now, you can experiment with different woods and the ones you dont like, use latter for a different project.

Paul Williams
12-25-2011, 8:43 PM
I have some nice plain grained cherry and quite a bit of maple. Thanks for the suggestion to try other colors. The cherry might come close to some of the color in the main body.

Steve Schlumpf
12-25-2011, 8:51 PM
Paul - everyone will have their opinions... mine is simply to stick with what you have already. Beautiful wood and form... you can not ask for more than that!

Baxter Smith
12-25-2011, 9:04 PM
Great wood and form. If you could do it without staining the form, you might try smoothing up the glue block then try some black dye, shoepolish or a sharpie. If you don't like it, turn it off. Just a thought as most things look good with black.

David E Keller
12-25-2011, 9:37 PM
I like the form without the base, but I'd round the base under even more... I think the reason the foot appeals to me is the lift it gives. If you tuck the bottom of the form, you'll get that same lift without the distraction of the base.

It's a beautiful piece of wood, and I think the finished piece is going to be pretty special as well! Look forward to seeing it at the finish line!