View Full Version : Christmas day score

Ken Hill
12-25-2011, 2:53 PM

Decided the neighborhood was way to quiet so I made sure the sounds of my Stihl filled the air, just for a bit:D Splated Maple anyone:p

A few pieces look awesome, a few others will get a visit to the rubbermaid tote with a beer

Steve Schlumpf
12-25-2011, 2:55 PM
Ahhh... chunky size! Looks like some very nice wood!!

Ken Hill
12-25-2011, 2:57 PM
I figure I will turn a few bowls and someone may want a piece for a HF

David E Keller
12-25-2011, 3:10 PM
Gorgeous stuff, Ken! Spalted maple is a favorite of mine, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you get out it.

Ken Hill
12-25-2011, 3:47 PM
I think I have a pretty good log hidden on a hillside, but seeing these, I will wait until march before I cut into it and see what she is doing. I will atleast cut it in 8 foot lengths and bring it up on top so I dont have to fight Rattlesnakes all summer if I want a piece LOL

Kevin Lucas
12-25-2011, 5:26 PM

All your posts make me miss Wva. I keep thinking if I was home... 200 acres... trees. But I definitely don't want to think of snakes. I see one I set new land speed records!

Donny Lawson
12-25-2011, 5:44 PM
Looks like you have some nice spalted maple. I love spalted wood.

Ken Hill
12-25-2011, 6:02 PM
Well, one roughed out. Had a nice crack in it from a limb but it should be ok. All glue'd and anchorsealed...ready for the next one


Roger Chandler
12-25-2011, 6:49 PM
That one is plum purdy, Ken! Spalt lines will show nicely on it!

Peter Elliott
12-25-2011, 9:42 PM
there you go with the snakes again!

Ken Hill
12-25-2011, 10:21 PM
Peter wont come here before a heavy freeze, or after a day over 40 LOL!

Mike Cruz
12-25-2011, 11:05 PM
Ken, I don't remember the temp or time of year I was over there, but we were there all day and didn't see a slithery creature the entire time...

Ken Hill
12-25-2011, 11:15 PM
You usually wont see them until mid May and they tend to be gone by late October. Ive seen them during bow season in mid November when its warm and found them out on a sunny day in early April....poor Peter wont come now unless there is snow on the ground LMAO!

Mike Cruz
12-25-2011, 11:18 PM
This was an unusually plentiful year for snakes, I must say... Black and Gardeners were everywhere. Ooooh, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Peter, don't read this thread. Or maybe he just doesn't like poisonous ones...

Ken Hill
12-25-2011, 11:28 PM
I avoid them, stay away from where they might be etc....and kill everyone I come across. My Guinea hens should hopefully put a whammy on any small ones they find and eat them, and alert me to the big ones. More worried about Bee's then snakes although I can not hear a rattler rattle.....

Mike Cruz
12-26-2011, 7:54 AM
When we first moved to this property, I cleared about a 10-12' section all along our woodline to take the scrub brush back to the actual trees. I came across 6 yellow jacket nests...luckily, I didn't get popped once! I was fortunate. Those buggers can get awfully angry when you get near their nests!

Roger Chandler
12-26-2011, 9:27 AM

The best way to handle a yellow jacket nest is wait till after dark, take a flashlight to the entrance and pour about a 1/2 gallon of gas down their entrance hole...........providing it is safe to do so.........run away, and you will find the colony destroyed next morning. This one works!

Mike Cruz
12-26-2011, 9:30 AM
Thanks, Roger. I've destroyed all of those nests (and all of the ones in the years since) by spraying a can of bee killer in the wee early hours of the morning before the bees are active. Stuff works like a charm.

Ken Hill
12-26-2011, 9:57 AM
I was working the yard this summer, had to handle some tree wetting duties and while doing my business, I was inadvertently giving a Yellow Jacket nest a good drenching! I backed away and handled them that night with a heavy shot of bee killer. The next day I had to repeat twice more as there were 2 other openings. I never was allergic until I sat back on a Wasp and it stung me in my spine, ever since then i've had to take a benedryl and monitor myself afterwards.

I remember as akid, a neighbor had a huge hornets nest in a big Pear tree. Me and a buddy got the bright idea to destroy it for our neighbor with the fallen Pears. By the time we finally got our aim on, the Hornets were good and worked up. I finally tagged it square and blew the big nest apart. As we ran away, I threw my right hand up in the air and flipped the bee's off. Ironically i was stung 3 times in that finger! Ma'ma told me it was Gods way of teaching me to not use such a dirty gesture LOL! Lesson learned!