View Full Version : Presents for my wife and kids

Richard Hutchings
12-24-2011, 1:06 PM
These all use oil lamps and the lid covers most of the bottle so that the flame and a little of the bottle sticks through. The last one is my first attempt at segmenting. Not the last for sure. They're all finished with Rock-hard Tabletop Varnish. I didn't give myself enough time to cure it enough to buff them so I'm going to ask to get them back in a few weeks to buff them.


Steve Vaughan
12-24-2011, 1:12 PM
Looks like you did a fine job there. You're looking good on the segmenting too! Love making gifts for family and friends. Save TONS of money and it's so much a better gift. They're gonna appreciate these!

Chuck George
12-24-2011, 1:24 PM
As a novice turner, I really can't speak with much authority, but to me those look really nice! This is the first I have ever seen turnings for lamps but it looks to be a great idea and gift. Again from my view, your segmented turning looks very nice, something I hope to try someday.


Steve Schlumpf
12-24-2011, 1:28 PM
Pretty woods! Looks like some very nice gifts! Your family is going to love them!

David E Keller
12-24-2011, 1:55 PM
Neat stuff! I'd pick the third one if I got first pick... I like the form the best, but they're all really handsome!

Tom Wilson66
12-24-2011, 11:41 PM
Really nice turnings and a great gift idea. I have one question, is the flame close enough to the collar to have an affect on the finish? Seems as if the flame could get the finish hot enough to scorch or melt it. Don't really know, so just asking.

Joe Watson
12-24-2011, 11:58 PM
Great looking bunch, nice job. The last segmented one caught my eye first.

Richard Hutchings
12-25-2011, 7:42 AM
No, the flame is above the wood and the wood doesn't even get warm. I used a non-flammable finish also. My usual finish is lacquer but it's very flammable even when cured.
Really nice turnings and a great gift idea. I have one question, is the flame close enough to the collar to have an affect on the finish? Seems as if the flame could get the finish hot enough to scorch or melt it. Don't really know, so just asking.

Rich Aldrich
12-25-2011, 8:33 AM
Nice work. I especially like the second one with the spalting. The shapes of the first three are great.

Bernie Weishapl
12-25-2011, 10:53 AM
Those look really nice. I do like the spalted wood. They are going to love them.