View Full Version : Creeker visit.

Ron Bontz
12-23-2011, 10:41 AM
Well it turns out I have a fellow Creeker just a few minutes from my house. Dave and I had chatted about a couple of lathes on the phone and realized how close we lived from one another. I invited him to stop by to chat, have some coffee,(I always have a pot going in my little shop), etc. So yesterday Dave calls and decided to take me up on my offer. 30 minutes or so later Dave shows up and we talked for an hour or so before I received a surprise visit by a relative from California I hadn't seen in a couple of years. So things got a little busy. Oddly enough I rarely have anyone over to the point my daughter calls me a "lone wolf" So Dave and I had to cut our visit short. But before he left he gave me several blanks to turn. One was spalted sycamore, I believe, 3 feet long, some cherry and Gum. So far I see 2 bowls of cherry, and couple of boxes, and a couple of tall hollows. SO thanks to Dave for giving me yet more projects for my AADD to contemplate.:D217002217001217003

Mike Cruz
12-23-2011, 12:37 PM
Great finding out you've got a local SMCer so close, isn't it? Even nicer when he brings you wood! Now you need to go visit him and continue the good times. Congrats on finding a friend...

John Keeton
12-23-2011, 12:50 PM
Glad you guys got together! I hate to ask, but which Dave?? We have a few.

David Dobbs
12-23-2011, 2:14 PM

It was nice to meet you an see your shop. looks like you were busy after i left.

Hope you didnt get it to diryt in there. (guys Ron has a nice shop)

I had taken Ron some wood not wanting any thing in return. I have a small shop(12'x16') an trying to make room for a bigger lathe. So getting rid of some wood is good.

As we carried the wood to Ron's shop from the truck. Ron ask what he owes me of course I say nothing glad to get rid of some wood. Ron goes in his shop comes back with a really nice

gouge an hands it to me. I am thinking I cant take this. As Ron is telling the story how he got the gouge. Ron was told to do what he wanted to with it or pass it on to someone.

it was my lucky day. Great Creeker vist!


P.S. John it was me.........lol

Mike Cruz
12-23-2011, 2:50 PM
Wow, not sure which one of you got the better deal, but sounds like you both made out!