View Full Version : The first of the Salt and Pepper Mill sets

Kathy Marshall
12-21-2011, 2:17 AM
One set down and 2 to go. I think I might just get everything turned in time for Christmas!
I turned these tonight from some Mahogany blanks I picked up from Woodworkers Source. This was my 1st time turning mahogany and I like it. Turns easy and sands up even easier.
These are just over 8" tall and finished with danish oil. I'll give them until saturday to cure and then hit them with some Ren wax. I wanted to keep the forms clean and simple, I almost added some grooves as an accent then decided I liked the clean look so left it alone. Took lots of measuring to get the 2 mills as close to identical as I could, and I think I did a pretty good job of it. I think this set will be going to my oldest sister.
Thanks for looking!
Coments and critiques are welcome.

Steve bellinger
12-21-2011, 4:22 AM
Kathy your sister is gonna love these. Not only couse you made them, but becouse they came out great. Great job

Donny Lawson
12-21-2011, 6:23 AM
Great job Kathy. I'm glad to hear about turning Mahogany. I've got some but haven't used it yet.

Michelle Rich
12-21-2011, 7:14 AM
I like the simple , contmporary shape too. Lucky sister

David E Keller
12-21-2011, 7:31 AM
Pretty stuff! I like to use a pretty similar shape for the few I've made, and folks seem to like them... I'll bet your sister is quite happy!

Greg Just
12-21-2011, 8:24 AM
Very nice mills. I like the simple shape and your sister should love them. I agree that making 2 of the same thing is very hard.

Tim Rinehart
12-21-2011, 8:26 AM
Great shape...no doubt. I keep forgetting I have some peppermill mechanisms...somewhere!

Baxter Smith
12-21-2011, 9:28 AM
Very nice Kathy. I like the clean lines. Hope to make my first one for next Christmas. My wood is scheduled to be cooked in the attic this coming summer.;):)

Steve Schlumpf
12-21-2011, 10:38 AM
Very nice! The simple form really works well!

Scott Hackler
12-21-2011, 11:02 AM
Those look great. I am sure they will be well loved!

Bernie Weishapl
12-21-2011, 11:36 AM
Really nice looking mills Kathy. She is going to love them. Simple is good.

steven carter
12-21-2011, 12:32 PM
Are you sure you didn't just clone one of these and copy it in photoshop?;) Just kidding of course, but they do look very much the same, which is hard to do IMO. Your sister is very luck to have such a talented and giving sibling, they look great!
