View Full Version : X-MAS presents

Jack Mincey
12-20-2011, 6:38 PM
My son is having a great year as a 3rd grade student so I had to make something nice for both his teacher and assistant this Christmas. The first is turned from all most rotten maple and the second is from black walnut. They are both 10" tall and finished with lacquer. My son told me that they both loved them today when he gave them. I've been turning this form a lot lately and it just hit me last week why I've been drawn to it as of late. I've turned more crow calls over the last 7 years than I would have ever thought possible, but if you look at the body of my calls you can see why this form is one that I seem to be drawn to.

David Reed
12-20-2011, 6:59 PM
I especially like the maple, both the form and the wood. The walnut top is a bit large and the waist a bit low for my tastes. I know the waist is closer to that 1/3 dimension, but I like the higher waist of the maple form. Nice gesture as well.
Now that's a murder of crow calls, but then why would anyone ever want to call a crow!

Donny Lawson
12-20-2011, 8:02 PM
I've never made a crow call or any other call but I wanted to try one and I ordered a Deer grunt call. Haven't had time to work with it yet. Yours looks great.

Steve Schlumpf
12-20-2011, 8:18 PM
That's a lot of crow calls! Cool! Both vases look really nice and I especially like the Maple one! Just something about the form and that beautiful wood! Nice work Jack!

Kathy Marshall
12-21-2011, 1:27 AM
They both look very nice Jack! I can see why they loved them. Having a hard time deciding on a favorite!

Jack Mincey
12-21-2011, 5:35 AM
Thanks for the kind words and the suggestions. This form has become one of my favorite. Crow calls are used to locate turkey's during turkey season and to hunt crows. While not many people actually eat crows they are hunted to help out farmers and even sheep ranchers. Crows in large number can devastate both by eating the crop and by attacking new born sheep. They actually go for the eyes of helpless new born sheep within minutes of their birth into this world. As birds go they are one of the smartest and most destructive on the planet. A few years ago scientist were puzzled why frogs where swelling up until they burst. After investigating they discovered that crows where eating the liver out of them while they where still alive and causing this to happen.
Thanks again,

Baxter Smith
12-21-2011, 9:32 AM
Nice shape on the vases Jack. Every time you post one it reminds me I need to give it a try. Those are some killer calls too!

Jim Burr
12-21-2011, 9:37 AM
Some fine looking weed pots there Jack. They both will be great gifts!