View Full Version : Festool belt sanders

John Edwards
03-09-2005, 11:31 PM
Festool is considering introducing a belt sander to the North American market.
As I understand this is just a consideration at this point. But in any case, with the fine reputation that Festool has earned by offering top quality tools. How many of us would be interested in a high-end belt sander ?

Most all the WWing magazines have had a recent article(s) on belt sanders. So I think there are still a lot of folks who could be interested in a top quality machine.

The Festool would have a low center of gravity and be well balanced. Ergonomics are also a high priority. In addition Festool has been famous for their dust collection capability and this belt sander would be no exception.

A host of features available would include a sanding frame that would limit the depth of sand as well as provide a larger bearing surface for providing a flatter surface. The WWing magazines have been pointing this out for a long time. Bosch, DeWalt and Ryobi come to mind as having these frames available. Most people shy away from them as they can be expensive and make belt changing a hassle. But what if Festool overcame those issues ? In addition how about a stand to allow the sander to mount to your workbench so it could then be used in an inverted position. ?

What would we woodworkers want ? A basic machine that you could add accessories to? Or a full-featured model that came with all the bells and whistles ? 3-inch belt or 4 incher ?
Consider that Festool`s are not cheap tools. They are well designed, well engineered tools that simply work well. And will continue to work well for a long time. Unlike most all the competition that, in many cases can/could be considered “throwaway” tools.
That said, how much would you be willing to pay for a top quality belt sander ?

No I don’t work for Festool but I have been bugging them to import the belt sanders they sell in other countries. Which by the way get fantastic reviews. But when you consider that laws and regulations (UL listing etc) a manufactor has to go through before they can sell here in North America they approach each product carefully.
With this posting I am hoping they can get a better feel for what the market may be. Because, believe it or not Festool DOES watch and monitor the forums closely.

Thanks, look forward to your responses.

Michael Ballent
03-10-2005, 12:15 AM
Not really sure that I would be tempted to buy one... Not sure what the price tag would be for the belt sander, but I imagine that it could run a pretty penny. Most woodworkers seem to have stopped even using the ones that they already have, so the odds people would flock out in droves to buy one would be, in my mind, not likely. Their new 1/2" collet router seems like a winner, and everyone raves about all the other tools they sell in the US. I do not own any Festool tools, but do have plans to buy the circular saw, some day... There may be people that use their belt sanders everyday, but to me it would not be compelling, at least in my point of view, especially if the price starts to approach a Performax 10-20.

Michael Cody
03-10-2005, 7:12 AM
I wouldn't think they would be too popular unless they were at a competitive price point with PC or Bosch .. Festool is known for quality precision tools.. a belt sander ain't a precision tool in most hands. I suspect most folks who use one a lot -- like shaping stuff, upside down on the bench, removing paint, etc... aren't the types to lay down Festool like money for a simple tool like that. I am sure they would sell some but unless they have some killer use or killer unique feature (and I can't imagine one right off) ... I don't see them selling at the premium price Festool tools seem to command.

Christian Aufreiter
03-10-2005, 8:04 AM
Just in case you are intersted, here's a pic of the Festool BS 105 E (with sanding frame).




Frank Pellow
03-10-2005, 8:08 AM
I don't want a belt sander, even if it is a Festool belt sander with all the features that you mention.

03-10-2005, 9:07 AM
If I ever choose to buy a portable belt sander, I'll look to Festool first. But it is waaaay down on the list.


Steve Jenkins
03-10-2005, 9:11 AM
I guess I may be one of the few that uses a helt sander on a regular basis. I use mine for sanding off veneer tape when I lay up veneer and sanding down edgebanding on veneered panels as well as on solid stock. I'm intereseted in looking at the festool sander as my 4x24 makita is starting to wear. Seeing the picture my main concern is the shape of the handle. How will it feel after an hour of steady use. Also the weight will be a factor. I like the Makita because it is a heavy sander.

Jim Becker
03-10-2005, 9:15 AM
Not tempted. I rarely use the belt sander I own now--a "better" one would get just as much use. That said, the rest of the Festool line that I own are wonderful!