View Full Version : wet turning

Jerry Marcantel
12-19-2011, 5:11 PM
Hi folks, on the 17th I took a bowl over to a tree trimmer that gave me some wood awhile back. On the way home I saw my favorite kind of road, dirt, leading in the direction of home, so I took it. I found several tree stumps that were recently dumped. One of them I'm pretty sure is Palo Verde, but when I cut into it, I'm not sure, even though it smelled almost like rotting flesh... Most of the Palo Verde I've seen in the pastdoes smell bad, but is pretty bland. As you can see, this piece is not bland at all.216420 Other than sharpening my chain 5 times,and washing it to remove dirt pockets and rock, it was easy to cut.
Here is what I turned from a root offshoot.It was funny while turning to see sparks like you see when sharpening your tools. It had a lot of tiny rocks in it, but I got past that and here it is at 5" od x 3 1/2 tall and varies 1/16 - 1/8" thick throughout. Transmits light pretty good. That's what I used to let me know how thin it was....It's turned green, and I'm wanting to find out if it will deform something like wet madrone does. I put it in a bag with shavings inside the form, and around it. Wet shavings, bag, and paper clip weighed 477 grams 2 days ago, and I weighed it about an hour ago, and it weighed 411 grams..... It's drying pretty good even though we're in super high humid conditions at 80-90%. 216417216418216419I'll post more when it's dry, or cracked beyond recognition. ......... Jerry (in Tucson)

Jim Burr
12-19-2011, 5:25 PM
Nice find Jerry!!! Should pan out to be a cool little form...you gave it a shape that will lend itself to a good warp!

Steve Schlumpf
12-19-2011, 10:55 PM
Sure is some pretty wood but I don't know if I would want that smell in my basement shop!!!:eek:

Hope it makes it through the drying process without much trouble. Looking forward to seeing it once finished!

Jerry Marcantel
12-20-2011, 11:22 PM
But Steve, it might be an improvement on that carpet.... hehehe.......... Jerry (in Tucson)
Sure is some pretty wood but I don't know if I would want that smell in my basement shop!!!:eek:

Baxter Smith
12-21-2011, 9:44 AM
Some pretty wood Jerry! Hope it survives the rest of the drying. Your story reminds me of a piece of spruce root I tried to turn a month ago. I had a big chunk and tried to cut it into a smaller blank (a little over 12" tall)out with a chainsaw. Kept hitting small pieces of granite buried in the twisted roots. Got it on the lathe, and proceeded to hit multiple little bits of granite buried in crevices and bark. Got the outside done, sanded, and 95 percent of the inside hollowed before breaking out through the side. It is still sitting on my tablesaw just mocking me.
Glad you could master your piece!

charlie knighton
12-21-2011, 10:20 AM
Jerry, very nice, pretty wood, great form, looking forward to seeing it dried