View Full Version : Green Wood Sealer

Clint Baxter
12-18-2011, 10:37 PM
Running out of the can of Anchorseal 2 that I have and would like to replenish my stock with the original formula of Anchorseal. Wondering where you get your stock from. Also would like to know if any have used the wood sealer from Craft Supplies USA? And what you think of it. Comparisons to original formula Anchorseal and or to Anchorseal 2.



Ken Hill
12-19-2011, 6:25 AM
I bought that AS2...glad its all but gone! I usually order 5 gals at a time direct but did order in a gallon from CS and its been working fine, much better then AS2

Fred Belknap
12-19-2011, 7:21 AM
Thanks for the post as I am at the bottom of a 5 gal bucket of AS2. Not excited about how it worked so I will try to get the original to replace it. I really do know better than to believe advertisements.

Ken Hill
12-19-2011, 7:38 AM
Fred, virtually every blank I cut and sealed (even with 2 coats) checked horribly. I bet I lost 75 to 100 blanks with AS2. Ive been using the As2 then the original over it on larger blanks just to use it up. Live and learn I reckon.

Clint Baxter
12-19-2011, 7:58 AM
Ken, did you use the stuff from CS USA then? I think thats what you mentioned, but want to make sure. Are you ordering the original formula direct? If so, where from and in what size?


Ken Hill
12-19-2011, 8:04 AM
Yes, I got a jug from CS several months back and its been working fine. In all honesty, I will have to search the actual name of the place but it was posted here and it is direct buying from the folks who make AS. They had a special free shipping on 5 gals so I jumped.....hope they offer that again because I will be needing more soon. http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Finishing___Wood_Treatment___Woodsealer___woodseal er?Args= is what I have and I am pretty sure its AS just packaged for CS. If it isnt, it works just as well.

Cory Norgart
12-19-2011, 8:49 AM
Hey Clint, I use AS2 from UC Coatings. I have never had a problem. Tho, I did find out that sapwood will check versus burlwood. I havent had any problems with AS2 on burls, even with one coat, but sapwood seems to check no matter what.

Richard Jones
12-19-2011, 8:53 AM
I get my AS direct from the mfg. http://www.uccoatings.com/Products/ANCHORSEAL

You do need to ask for the original formula. When I mentioned it to them back in March or so, they said "oh, yeah, the woodturners formula............", so they must be very aware that the AS2 hasn't been well received by us spinny folks..............

I think the 5 gal bucket was something like $80 including shipping.


Ken Hill
12-19-2011, 9:03 AM
Yup, ^ thats the place. Saved the link so no more searching for me haha!

Faust M. Ruggiero
12-19-2011, 9:04 AM
I bought ASII from Woodcraft and it works fine. I'm in PA and we are not too humid and not too dry, not too hot and not too cold. We must be perfect weather for preserving turning blanks. Maybe the state can use that for an advertisement to attract visitors to PA. Sorry, I get goofy at Christmas. I never used the original. Is it a different formula?

Prashun Patel
12-19-2011, 9:35 AM
I've tried hard to find out what is in ASII. The MSDS for AS Original shows 50% petroleum wax. To dissolve that, you'd require a solvent like mineral spirits. The ASII MSDS lists nothing. Is it a water-based sealer? Like a latex?

Anyway, I've said this a bunch of times, but I think it's easiest to just make yr own wax sealer. You can obtain pure paraffin wax from many places. Start with a 50/50 ratio of wax:spirits by volume. Heat and Dissolve it in mineral spirits (taking proper precautions), and stir it often both while heating, and during cooling.

I've made several batches of this at varying consistencies and it's always worked well.

Bernie Weishapl
12-19-2011, 9:50 AM
I quit using anchorseal II. It just doesn't do the job for me. I order the original from U-C Coatings and haven't had a problem since.

Scott T Smith
12-19-2011, 11:34 AM
I typically purchase end sealer either in the 55 gallon drum a pallet of 5 gallon pails at a time for my sawmill operation.

Anchorseal Classic from UC Coatings works great (I prefer the winter forumula, but it costs a little bit more), and I also use a high quality end sealer from Baileys (a large logging and arborist supply co).


Bailey's is on sale right now for $59.99. The Bailey's end sealer is not available in a "winter" formula, so you will want to store it some place where it won't freeze.

If you're near Raleigh, NC, I usually have end sealer on hand and am always willing to sell some at my cost to members of SMC or NCWW (and it costs much less when purchased in bulk - I recall around 9 bucks a gallon delivered). Feel free to send me an e-mail or PM if interested.


Michael Menzli
12-19-2011, 12:27 PM
I too ran out of AS2 and not overly impress on larger logs.. it has worked great on smaller rounds . I found a recipe online that Ive tweaked slightly and somewhat pleased with the results. I used 1 gal of water based mineral spirits..however still petrol based. I started with about 24oz of melted paraffin wax ( double boiled) but found it too thin and increase to about 40 oz or so. (basically 2 1/2 packs) I also added standard clear dish washing soap ..prob a 1 cup or so and blended on high with a cordless drill. You have to let it sit for a day or 2 so the wax really breaks down but it becomes a nice thick paste. The thinner mix didnt do much of anything but after adding more wax its very similar to anchorseal..maybe a little more pastey. I will say it is a ROYAL PITA and messy and came in at about $14 a gallon after all is said and done.

Scott Hackler
12-19-2011, 1:00 PM
Add me to the "very disappointed with AS2" crowd. I still have 1 unopened gallon and a bit in another can left :(. I have had a bunch of blanks that I coated and sat it on the floor, well away from any moving air...and they all checked! :(

I will NOT be using this formula after I run out and I will be cutting my logs extra long to compensate.

I ought to call the company and see if I can send the unopened can to them for an exchange.

Clint Baxter
12-19-2011, 11:27 PM
Thanks to all for the info. I just looked at some of my roughed out turnings and found several with checks in them. Hopefully the rest won't join them. I may hit them with another coat of the AS2, but there ain't much left there to use, (thankfully.) Ordered some of the sealer from Craft Supplies so hopefully that will turn out better.


robert baccus
12-19-2011, 11:38 PM
Roger that on the AS11..There is another brand called artisan sealer a friend gave me---it is very good but i do not recall the source.