View Full Version : First time doing these

Dahl Troy Perry
12-18-2011, 8:14 PM
Seen these made at our turning club meeting last week. So I'd tryed to make some they were easy and the wife loves them wants more. 10" long Maple and Cumu.

Jim Burr
12-18-2011, 8:20 PM
Good stuff Troy! I need to have a lash a a few of these!

Baxter Smith
12-18-2011, 10:28 PM
Neat work. Is she using them all or giving as gifts? Having lots of sisters and sistersinlaws, I should try a few myself!

Steve Schlumpf
12-19-2011, 10:48 AM
They look great Dahl! I really like curly maple for these kinds of turnings because they look great with age! What did you use for a finish? I use mineral oil as it protects the wood when it is washed and it is easy to reapply.

Tim Leiter
12-19-2011, 11:08 AM
Excuse my ignorance but what are those things? Are they some kind of stir sticks?