View Full Version : Woodpecker's Squares and Outfeed Table Update

Justin Killebrew
03-09-2005, 6:09 PM
Hey folks,

Thanks to the excellent feedback from those of you who responded to my first posting regarding the new Woodpecker Squares, we have made a few design improvements. The new squares are being anodized as we speak. The wooden case for the squares should be here in 2 days. I would guess a week or two before they are ready to ship. Those of you in the Woodpecker's E-club will have first dibs on these squares.

Our new outfeed table for the Incra Rip Fences is all but ready to roll! The actual tables are expected to be here early next week, so keep you eyes open. Again, the Woodpecker E-club will have first dibs and they will also be ready to ship in 1-2 weeks.

I have a completely unrelated question. In our spare time at Woodpeckers (ha ha), we manufacture weird knobs. If anyone out there has any suggestions on knobs that are impossible to find, or just rediculously overpriced, please let me know. We have the capacity to manufacture a number of different sizes and types. Thanks

Ernie Kuhn
03-09-2005, 10:59 PM
Are you talking about wooden knobs or thinks like plastic knobs for kitchen appliances like stoves, etc.


Justin Killebrew
03-10-2005, 5:02 PM
I'm talking about knobs for jigs and fixtures. Not so much the ones that will fit different appliances. Primarily knobs made from different kinds of metal like brass or aluminum.

chris toomey
03-11-2005, 6:43 AM

can't help you with the knobs...but i would like to thank you for the excellent service. i ordered a plunge lift and some wrenches from you last week. you said the lift was back ordered and may be a week. much to my surprise i recieved it 3 days after placing my order. now i can't blame you for not being as far along with the project as i'd like. thanks a lot!