View Full Version : "Humble Pie".........thought for the day

Roger Chandler
12-18-2011, 2:31 PM
"Humble Pie" ...........tastes bitter when we first have to eat it........in the long run, it become sweetness and peace to our soul.

No matter who we are, each one of us will, in the future, or has at times in the past had to eat a bit of humble pie....our natures being what they are....[fallen] we will find solace in the fact that grace and mercy from God always "turns" us into better people...........thankfully, it works for all of us wood turners as much as anyone else.......

I am thankful for every turner who is a part of this forum, and just wanted to say so...........

David DeCristoforo
12-18-2011, 2:54 PM
Humble pie can be quite tasty. It goes especially well with crow...

Roger Chandler
12-18-2011, 2:59 PM
Humble pie can be quite tasty. It goes especially well with crow...

David,......please know, that though the other threads brought this thought to my mind.........it was something I shared, not to direct it at you or any other person..........this is for us all.........I know what crow tastes like as well, and the bitter taste of it and humble pie does "turn" out to be sweetness later on.

You have a great sense of humor..........don't lose it or misplace it.........it will always come in handy! Blessings! ;):)

Jim Burr
12-18-2011, 3:32 PM
We made Beef Wellington pot pie last week and I'm making chicken pot pie tonight...might be more tasty! Crow is tough to swallow, but when you're hungry, it's not bad!

Steve Vaughan
12-18-2011, 3:53 PM
That's a good word Roger. And don't forget a good cup of coffee, or maybe sweet tea, to wash it all down.

Richard Jones
12-18-2011, 4:14 PM
Good sentiment, for sure.

And just to throw this in the pot, so to speak................. http://www.crowbusters.com/recipes.htm


Steve bellinger
12-18-2011, 4:44 PM
I better get in here also. A few days ago i posted a couple pics. Yes one of them had a lot of the same elements as John K's. Didn't realize it at the time that it looked as close to his as it did. After reading DD's post, i realized some folks thought it did. Well i did Send John a pm expressing my apologies for not giving him credit. Now i'll do it in public.Just to let everyone know it was not meet to be a copy.Didn't even think of him when i was turning it. Now as David K knows i do take a pic ounce in a while and steel parts of it. He has seen HIS pieces hanging on my wall.So to every one that was affended i am truely sorry.

Jim Burr
12-18-2011, 5:50 PM
Steve...if we all did that...no one could make a bowl with out thanking the first person to make a bowl on a lathe. Think this is tough? Try making a pen with someone elses idea...you can get banned for even thinking about it!! We make bowls...HF's, pens and stoppers. We make utillity items, Christmas stuff, and art. We are here...aren't we?...to learn from each other. Several of us have found our place in recent months...we all live in different regions...sell or give away in different places. Each piece of wood is different, each tool is different, each turner is different. I have tried to emulate some people here...some not. I like some ideas here...some I don't. Those tea pots you and the Gibson's make...I may try those someday...may not. I make better pens than most..some make better. Please...use what you learn anywhere to improve your craft!! Are we to see what one does and expected to do less? What's the point of learning and spending thousands of dollars on equipment to do the same this or the same that. We learn from others and move on! There may be some that want to ride the coat tails of others and they'll be found out sooner or later, or not. This is a hard craft...in pottery, you can start again with the same mound of clay. We get one shot at wood...that make us the best! Some bottle stopper and pastry brushes await me!

Ron Bontz
12-18-2011, 6:03 PM
Interesting thoughts. I am not sure there is anything truly original anymore. I was recently searching the web for turnings and came across a piece very much like John's. Just much older. It caught my attention because I was planning on trying one like John's. John was even nice enough to send me his sketch. Now I am wondering what the negative of John's would look like. Gee, thanks John. Now I may go insane trying to decide.:D

John Keeton
12-18-2011, 6:05 PM
As I posted in the original thread by David, when I post a turning, I do so knowing full well it could be copied or be the source of influence for someone else. I should not expect any acknowledgement of that influence, though no doubt everyone loves to see those words. I appreciate Steve's PM, and his words here, though neither were required.

All of this has been good, and if viewed in the right light, can bring us all together in a more closely knit community.

Don't know about the rest of you - but, I have some sketching to do!! Gotta get back to the lathe.:)

Scott Hackler
12-18-2011, 6:51 PM
What a bummer.... I can't even sketch very good right now.. Shoot, just typing is mostly left handed. :)

Bill Bolen
12-18-2011, 9:15 PM
Well Scott Bill W made mention he can use his new mini Glasers one handed! Not to late for another Christmas gift idea to the minister of finance is it?

John Altberg
12-18-2011, 9:18 PM
...This is a hard craft...in pottery, you can start again with the same mound of clay. We get one shot at wood...that make us the best!


I have never thought of our craft in these terms. Oh so many times I have wanted to "lump" it and start over!

Merry Christmas,


Jamie Donaldson
12-18-2011, 9:29 PM
It is nearly impossible to create a new and original shape in turning, or glass, or pottery, etc. because we will eventually find that it has been done before. I know that John K. and David D. understand that concept, as any student of design and history learns that lesson very quickly. Don't beat yourself up for "liberating" pieces of this and that, to help your perception of turning designs evolve, and practice will often assist in the evolution of your own ideas into a body of work that you can say is yours alone. Let there be peace among all my friends!

robert baccus
12-18-2011, 10:11 PM
If fate hands you crows, do like the Cajuns -----------ahhh crow gumbo. pass the file yeah.--------old forester

Peter Elliott
12-18-2011, 11:03 PM
I think Roger's and Keaton's post hit the nail on the head. It's been a long time since a few bad threads have popped up here. Within the last week, 2 of them that really got under my skin. There are plenty of sites on the net where you can be nasty to each other, SMC has not been that place.

It's good to agree to disagree and have debate. Listen, learn and share knowledge. If we don't do that, our craft will die.

Russell Eaton
12-19-2011, 7:36 AM
I have found that crow needs a little more salt. I had a big humble/crow pie last week. Sometimes it is a little hard to swallow. I think we all have had our share. I find myself at this forum more than any other and am glad to see the Christmas spirit in full stride. Merry Christmas everybody. Russell

Don Alexander
12-19-2011, 10:06 AM
i agree wholeheartedly with what Russell said

Merry Christmas to all

Craig Matheny
12-19-2011, 1:22 PM
I guess the bottom line is that almost every shape or idea has been turned to some concept or another. This is no different then the music industry there are only so many notes and so many combinations then things start to look or sound the same. I believe that if someone has a unique trademark or embellishment that out of respect for that person we do our own unique signature. A good example is the videos by Capneddie he puts 3 bands on all pens he makes this is his signature be unique put 4 or better yet do something else be yourself show your unique talent as when this thread started "we will find solace in the fact that grace and mercy from God always "turns" us into better people" then is that not true when we put our tools on our piece of work we should not also find enjoyment in what we have created also? To all Posters here and on this site have a blessed and Merry Christmas and remember why we celebrate this season.

Jim Burr
12-19-2011, 6:42 PM
And the Merriest of Christmas's to you and your family Craig!!!