View Full Version : Regarding my "authorship" thread

David DeCristoforo
12-18-2011, 11:59 AM
This morning I am feeling quite stupid! And quite chagrined as well. I truly believed the "design" I spoke of was mine. I have been shown otherwise. Obviously the stem design I believed to be of my own creation has actually been done by others long before I even began turning. I can attribute this oversight only to my own failure to thoroughly familiarize myself with existing bodies of work. For this, I apologize.

I attempted to express a frustration (now apparently unjustified) without having it become a personal attack on another. I failed in this as well. For this I also apologize.

I broke one of my own cardinal rules here by allowing my ego to influence my thinking. Again, for this I apologize.

I have obviously caused another a great distress. While this was not my intention, I must apologize directly to Scott Hackler.


John Keeton
12-18-2011, 12:32 PM
David, I would hope the whole topic has been sufficiently aired. Your apologies are well stated and, I am sure, are sincere. This community is made up of a lot of fine folks, all of kindred spirit, and it is my hope that all can be forgiven and that we enjoy the spirit of the Christmas season. This is no time to let something of this nature tear away friendships.

We all have much for which to be thankful, and good friends that share certainly are near the top. I encourage each and everyone one of us to focus on those things that truly are important.

Alan Trout
12-18-2011, 12:57 PM

Your apology is a very nice gesture and takes a lot of guts to do. I applaud your effort.


Bill Bolen
12-18-2011, 1:09 PM
Well said John and DD. I'm glad this is over.

Richard Hutchings
12-18-2011, 1:20 PM

Steve Vaughan
12-18-2011, 1:36 PM
Amazing Grace! I've had to apply it before...and had to have it applied to me a time or two, for which I am/was very grateful. It works well here too. Great job everyone, all the way 'round!

Josh Bowman
12-18-2011, 1:41 PM
Well said DD. Now get back out there and turn some of that good old southern wood you've got into one of those pretty tall spindly things you do so well. I think they're cool.

Jim Burr
12-18-2011, 1:57 PM
Merry Christmas Scott & David!! It is the season for forgiveness!

Steve Mawson
12-18-2011, 2:11 PM
Merry Christmas-well said. It seems to me this topic gets discussed on the order of once every year or two. Hopefully it is good for us all to be reminded that it is good to thank someone that may have influenced something that we make, original or perhaps not so much. To me it was interesting reading to see everyone's thoughts. Thanks to all of you that wrote after thinking both from your mind and heart. The Creek, the people here, is one of the places that I count as a blessing especially this time of year.

Scott Hackler
12-18-2011, 3:24 PM
I have privately accepted Davids apology and do so here as well. All is well, the sun will rise tomorrow and we will all keep on making our stuff.

Thanks for the comments and support. Merry Christmas everyone.

John Keeton
12-18-2011, 3:48 PM
Thanks, Scott! That was the final stitch needed to knit together this family of friends! Good folks here.

Allan Ferguson
12-18-2011, 3:55 PM
It is pretty tough to come up with anything truly new and original. There are a lot of people in the world and a long history of things done. Without forgiveness we are in trouble and misery. I am glad that things are resolved and forgiven. Looking forward to seeing more of David, Scott and all the rest of the creekers, their work and thoughts in the years to come. Allan

joel nucifore
12-18-2011, 4:48 PM
I just want to note this is the first thread I ever saw with 3009 views. I take it as a tight knit group of people and friends to be that concerned with a subject when two friends are hurt. Merry Christmas all..............