View Full Version : Roubo workbench plans

jeff vanek
12-18-2011, 9:51 AM
which one of chris schwarz's book has better plans for the build? are there any other plans online besides the benchcrafted version?

David Kumm
12-18-2011, 10:43 AM
Right now Popular WW is selling a set of books and dvds about benches including plans and Schwarz's stuff. A pretty good deal at $69 Dave

Peter Quinn
12-18-2011, 7:38 PM
are there any other plans online besides the benchcrafted version?

The Schwartz version and a few others are available from the Gogle Sketchup library if you are able to use sketchup. If not thats free too and pretty easy to get started. Just type ROUBO into the search box on the Sketchup page, lots of options there.

Travis Fatzinger
01-26-2014, 6:13 PM
Sorry to dig this up but I want to build a Roubo bench and am also wondering if the 2007 or 2011 book would be better for plans and diagrams. I really only want to buy one book.
