View Full Version : Christmas Stocking Stuffers

Tom Hartranft
12-16-2011, 1:59 PM
Just finished turning and painting 16 Snowman Icicle stocking stuffers to hand out this Christmas along with a couple of bigger snowmen with Christmas trees.


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Snowman Icicle wood is maple. Larger snowman bodies are basswood; hats are butternut. Christmas trees are butternut and basswood colored using Rit green fabric dye.



Steve Schlumpf
12-16-2011, 2:07 PM
Nice group of stocking stuffers Tom! I really like your tree forms and you did really nice work on all the details! Thanks for sharing!

Baxter Smith
12-16-2011, 2:40 PM
Those are neat Tom! How long are the icicles?

John Keeton
12-16-2011, 2:52 PM
You guys that do multiples like this impress me!! When I did four legs for a table, the second one wasn't much fun, the third one was a pain, and I honestly didn't think I could finish the fourth one!! I must have ADD!!

Nice work, and I am sure they will be appreciated!

Tom Hartranft
12-16-2011, 3:57 PM
How long are the icicles?

Hi Baxter. The icicles are ~8" long ... started out with ~1" x 1" square x 8" long hard maple turning blocks. Some of them were only 3/4 x 3/4 square so there is variation in final turning sizes. I prefer the 1 x 1 square blocks ... the proportions appear to work out best for an 8" long icicle. I got the snowman icicle idea from a Nick Cook article in American Woodturner, Winter, 2002.


Primvs Aebvtivs
12-16-2011, 4:00 PM
I like them so much that I MAY have to go and make some... Made a couple of rough snowmmen for the kids to paint, after the dog (mine) ate a plasticine model my lad brought home... Good work, and +1 with John - making lots "the same" isn't easy, I find, "similar" does well for me!

Tom Hartranft
12-16-2011, 6:09 PM
RE: Multiples

Ha ... if you look closely at the first photo, you'll note that they are similar (somewhat different lengths, diameters, proportions, etc), but not identical multiples. I guess that's how I kept my sanity in turning 16 pieces ... wasn't a slave on getting exact copies for one turning to the next. I can honestly tell my recipients that their snowman icicle is indeed a one-of-a-kind.


Tom Hartranft
12-17-2011, 11:39 AM
Nice group of stocking stuffers Tom! I really like your tree forms and you did really nice work on all the details! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Steve ... the tree forms idea came from a Bob Rosand, American Woodturner, Winter, 2007 article.


Donny Lawson
12-17-2011, 11:43 AM
Those are really nice and would make neat gifts. When i get time i would like to try one of the snowmen. It might be a while though, I'm covered up with pen orders right now.