View Full Version : More Pens and wish me luck!

Kathy Marshall
12-16-2011, 2:58 AM
My project for this week has been to turn a bunch of pens. My stepmother asked for some to give as gifts and I wanted to have a decent selection for her to choose from. I'll be turning a few more on Sunday since my boss has ordered some. He wants 1 for himself (he likes Kingwood with antique copper) and 1 for each of the salespeople for a total of 5.
From left to right:Zebra wood w/gold, dyed Maple w/gold, Tulipwood w/gold, Bubinga w/gold, Bolivian Rosewood w/antique copper, Redheart w/gold, aromatic Cedar w/copper, Birdseye Maple w/antique brass, Iroko (I think) w/gold. A
ll have a CA finish except for the Bolivian Rosewood which has a friction finish of DO, and all are buffed with Ren wax.
And wish me luck on Friday. I have someone that might be interested in purchasing some of my pieces! He was at my tree trimmer friends picking up some firewood and saw some of the pieces I've given to the tree trimmers. So she gave me a call and gave me his phone number. I've got a bag packed up with an assortment of pieces and he's going to stop by my office tomorrow to take a look. Hopefully he'll see something he likes!

Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.

Richard Jones
12-16-2011, 5:11 AM
Great looking pens, Kathy, I'm sure all the recipients will be well pleased.

And good luck with your pending sales, exciting for sure.

BTW, that hunk of wood might make a great looking pen display...........


Keith E Byrd
12-16-2011, 5:50 AM
Nice pens and good luck with the sales opportunity!

Michelle Rich
12-16-2011, 7:37 AM
Good luck today...go gettum!

Steve Schlumpf
12-16-2011, 7:40 AM
Nice work on the variety of pens! I am surprised not to see one out of Mesquite! Best of luck with your sales today! Always a great feeling when someone likes your work enough to pay cash for it!!

James Combs
12-16-2011, 9:17 AM
Great looking selection Kathy, I am sure they will go over great and good luck on the other items. BTW if you don't mind me asking, what brand of kits are you using for your pens and what type of Gold?

Scott Lux
12-16-2011, 9:48 AM
Be careful Kathy, pens are highly addicting. Good luck on your sale.

Doug W Swanson
12-16-2011, 10:33 AM
Great looking pens, Kathy!

Good luck with your sales, too!

Bernie Weishapl
12-16-2011, 11:01 AM
Great looking pens Kathy and good luck on the sales.

steven carter
12-16-2011, 12:02 PM
Great looking pens, I'll wish you good luck, but I don't think you'll need luck, just someone with some who is not blind looking at your turnings!

Kathy Marshall
12-17-2011, 12:34 AM
Thanks everyone!

Great looking pens, Kathy, I'm sure all the recipients will be well pleased.

And good luck with your pending sales, exciting for sure.

BTW, that hunk of wood might make a great looking pen display...........

That hunk of wood started out as a display, but the holes I drilled, besides not being spaced very well, were not large or deep enough for the pens to stand up securely, but I've got plenty of other chunks that will fit the bill :D!

Nice work on the variety of pens! I am surprised not to see one out of Mesquite! Best of luck with your sales today! Always a great feeling when someone likes your work enough to pay cash for it!!
Mesquite does make nice pens but I didn't have any dry blanks, I just need to cut some strips and let them dry.

Great looking selection Kathy, I am sure they will go over great and good luck on the other items. BTW if you don't mind me asking, what brand of kits are you using for your pens and what type of Gold?
I get the kits from Woodturningz and they're 14k plated gold fancy. I've been using pens from those kits at my office for over a year and they've held up very well and the prices are good. I also like the copper, antique copper and antique brass and I've got some gun metal and antique gun metal on the way.

Be careful Kathy, pens are highly addicting. Good luck on your sale.
As are hollow forms, bowls, boxes, etc, etc, etc.......:D

I'm sure all your good wishes helped! The guy went home with 3 of my pieces and pictures of the rest to show his wife and friends. Then one of the girls at the office had a look and saw a bottle stopper with her name on it. Then I took the pens to my stepmother's house and she wouldn't accept any as a gift and then insisted on buying all 11 of the pens I brought (I did manage to force a bowl on her as a gift). So all in all, it was a pretty darned good day!