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View Full Version : Metal Marking Using Cermark

Daniel Markovich
12-15-2011, 9:01 PM
I am getting ready to purchase some Cermark for metal and am having trouble deciding on which form of it to buy.

-The Spray
-The Tape
-The Solution

To me the spray would seem like a waste since you can't control the amount very well. Anyone tried them out and like one over the other? or do some work better depending on what the item is? Thanks for the wisdom once again!

Tom Sieczkarek
12-15-2011, 9:26 PM
The solution is the most economical.If you do get it also get yourself an air brush and a little compressor. It is the least wasteful with overspray when used in this combo.

Pete Thomas
12-15-2011, 10:05 PM
I use the solution almost daily. I dilute with DNA and apply with a foam brush. There is very little waste and I have doing it this way for years. Just remember thin is good thick is bad. You just need a very thin coat just enough so you don't see the metal. Also make sure the metal is really clean, I normally clean with acetone.


Dee Gallo
12-15-2011, 10:46 PM
I use the "solution" as you call it, but it's really more like a paste if you ask me. I dilute it with water and it works fine in my airbrush. You really need the spray control and small dots from an airbrush as compared to full on spray and big dots from a spray can. Aerosols are also not very cost effective delivery systems, as they can run out of air before the material runs out, then you're talking wasted money. They also tend to spit from either not pressing the button completely or a partially clogged nozzle. And you can't thin it if you need to. So all in all, I recommend the paste. It goes a long way for the money.

cheers, dee

Gary Hair
12-16-2011, 12:02 AM
Search for "Cermark" and you'll find lots of info. I have a specific way of applying it that works well for me - it's posted a few times here otherwise I'd type it in again. If you can't find it let me know and I'll either find it or type again.
