View Full Version : Travel mug finish

Dahl Troy Perry
12-15-2011, 8:01 PM
I'm making travel mugs what is the best finish to use on them that will hold up? I've used rattle can lacker on pepper grinders and it was ok but thought there mite be something better for mugs?

Marty Eargle
12-15-2011, 8:12 PM
I plan on doing a few of these and I'll be doing numerous coats of WOP on mine unless I find a better method in this thread. In my experience, poly holds up better than lacquer to constant wear.

Tom Hardy
12-15-2011, 11:16 PM
WOP works good. The one I made for myself I have used almost every day for a 1 1/2 years and still looks good.

Bernie Weishapl
12-15-2011, 11:50 PM
+1 for WOP. Mine has rode in the vehicle for almost 2 yrs and it still has a nice shine.

Kyle Iwamoto
12-16-2011, 10:48 AM
I used Deft spray can lacquer on mine which I use every day. Made a couple years ago. It finally is showing some wear through the finish. The big tip is to cover the bottom with a coat of epoxy glue. It keeps the wood from wearing through. One of these years I'll start cup #2.

Mike Cruz
12-16-2011, 2:14 PM
Maybe you could turn something around a plastic container... if you don't want to do the WOP.

Dahl Troy Perry
12-16-2011, 4:37 PM
Thanks going to get some WOP tonight have to work( sorry for using the 4 letter word) But Sunday I have the hole day in the shop:) will post pictures after I get them done. I have 6 ready to finish and 4 more to make.

Steve Mellott
12-16-2011, 6:16 PM
I use Krylon spray acrylic that I buy at Walmart for about $3-$4 per can. It holds up very well.


Greg Just
12-16-2011, 8:54 PM
I have tried lots of different finishes from Spar Varnish, Generals WTF, Minwax Water based poly, spray varnish and buffed Danish oil. They all have held up pretty well.