View Full Version : Help With Wood ID

Paul Heely
12-14-2011, 5:02 PM
I've found a farmer a couple of towns over that is clearing some of his land. Stopped by and he had some really nice Ash and White Oak cut down, along with this piece. I'm horrible at ID'ing wood and he was not sure what it is either. Since it was 16"+ in diameter I asked him to buck some up and I would take it also. Anybody have any ideas what it might be? These are the only pictures I have until I pick up the wood next week. This should be a good long term deal for me and him. He's got acres and acres that he wants to thin out and I can go in and pick the trees I want. To him it's firewood, so we struck a deal where I pay the value as firewood and he bucks it to my specs, hauls it out and loads it on the truck. As they say, this could be the start of something beautiful.

Here's the pics i have. I'm hoping to get the Identifying Wood book by Bruce Hoadley for Christmas to help with identifying mystery wood.

Thanks everyone.


allen thunem
12-14-2011, 5:07 PM
if i tell you what kind of wood it is will you send me some of it?:)

Paul Heely
12-14-2011, 6:13 PM
Allen, it think I can cram a good size blank in one of those flat rate boxes. Now, what is it??? :)

Scott Hackler
12-14-2011, 6:25 PM
Does the wood smell really bad (up close)?

Ray Chalenski
12-14-2011, 6:53 PM
My first impression is Hickory. If the smaller branches below the 2nd pic are from this tree,then it is most likely hickory.

Jamie Donaldson
12-14-2011, 7:16 PM
I'm guessing elm, and Scott probably thinks the same with the smell question.

Reed Gray
12-14-2011, 7:20 PM
I would guess cherry, which always does seem to smell like cherries. If it smells like cat pee, then probably elm, but doesn't look quite like that to me.

robo hippy

Paul Heely
12-15-2011, 6:05 AM
I'll have to give it the smell test. I've recently cut up some other Elm and know that its gnarly grain spits out more chips than long shards when ripping it in half. If it's Cherry then that its the biggest I'll have gotten from my area.

Thanks everyone.