View Full Version : New milestone reached

Ken Hill
12-13-2011, 9:27 PM
For the first time since I started turning, the earnings paid the mortgage 100% haha! No doubt Christmas was the big factor, however I did have folks recieve their items, only to call and order more!

We wont discuss breaking even withw hat I have in equipment though :eek:

I want to thank all of you because most of what was sold this holiday was bowl related and that knowldge came and will continue to come from each of you. I do not have steady enough hands to do the delicate work I see posted, nor do I possess the design and creativeness I see here daily, but I geuss thats what sets each of us apart. If simple works, well then it works!

Merry Christmas folks, and thanks again!! I went looking for something to keep me occupied in my off season and here it has helped the family and Lord willing, will continue to do so.

Steve Schlumpf
12-13-2011, 9:44 PM
Congrats Ken! I consider that a happy success story! Hope your sales continue!!

David E Keller
12-13-2011, 9:50 PM
Fantastic sales... Congrats!

Ted Calver
12-13-2011, 9:53 PM
Good on ya Ken! Your work touched the right spot with people.

Steve Vaughan
12-13-2011, 10:19 PM
If there were a 'like' button like on FB, I'd like this! What a cool deal there! Congrats and may your turning skills (and income) grow and grow on into the new year!:)

Ken Hill
12-13-2011, 10:35 PM
I hope to earn enough in January to replace my keyboard....I reckon the keys do not like sticky, tung oil encased fingers all the time!

Baxter Smith
12-13-2011, 10:55 PM
Congrats Ken! Having fun and paying the bills is a winning combination!

David Reed
12-13-2011, 10:58 PM
Pretty cool indeed - to make your mortgage payment no less. And all those tools - if they are not clean, the cost doesn't count.

John Keeton
12-14-2011, 7:09 AM
Ken, you have proven already that quality sells! And, while the artsy stuff may be fun, it will not sell with the rapidity and consistency of functional items - particularly in this economy. A huge CONGRATS!!

Ken Hill
12-14-2011, 7:25 AM
Thanks John. yesterday, while getting tires put on the wifes jeep, the owner of the shop asked me to take a ride and we went to his house & his mothers. He had a homemade walnut table and she had a homemade cherry table and he ordered 2 platters to match them. He said simple, something to suit the table and us....which I can do haha! The cherry is done and he will give it to her on Christmas morning, his will follow as soon as the new lathe arrives. To me, having someone want something I made with my own two hands is more important then the money but it all equals itself I reckon.

Jim Burr
12-14-2011, 10:50 AM
Good man Ken!! Having such an eclectic hobby sometimes means we sit on the outside and watch the flat-workers take all the glory...and cash!! You sure proved them wrong! May the new year bring you new business!

Rob Cunningham
12-14-2011, 12:47 PM
Congrats on the sales Ken, and here's wishing you many more.