View Full Version : Music Stand for Mama.

ben searight
12-12-2011, 9:42 PM
Ma wanted a music stand for Christmas, so instead of buying some Chinese piece of junk, I built her one out of some scrap I had lying around. I have about $3.50 cash out of pocket because I used what I had on hand. I only had to go buy the knob and screw used to adjust the sheet music holder. The base is QSWO the rest is maple. Used transtint medium brown dye in alcohol and sprayed it on the base. I got carried away and got it too dark so I wiped some of it off, looks OK. Topcoated with Target EM6000, I don't like it on the dark base, it looks blue when you view it in natural light. Under flourescents it looks fine so I guess as long as she doesn't play her keyboard out in the front yard it will be fine.215630215631215632215633

Chad Easterling
12-13-2011, 5:49 AM
Nice. I like the two-tone look.

It is always neat when a project can be put together from stuff just lying around.

Dave Stuve
12-13-2011, 4:24 PM
That's a great design, Ben. I like the contrasting wood and the shape also. Simple yet elegant. Is it your own design? Can you comment about the joinery? Like how did you join the feet to the stand and how the sheet music holder is joined?


ben searight
12-14-2011, 6:53 AM
It is my own design, believe it or not I just made it up as I went along. All the joinery is mortise and tenon. I used an FMT jig, to cut all of the joints even the tiny 1/8" joints on the sheet music holder. The shelf and the spine on the sheet music holder are doweled every couple inches with 1/8" dowels for a little more support.