View Full Version : Fein Turbo III Owners?

Eric DeSilva
12-12-2011, 1:46 PM
I think I'm going to look at a used Fein Turbo III tonight. Given the ridiculous price, I'm not hoping for much. But, I don't care about pretty, if it is a working vac that is relatively quiet and isn't going to blow up in a few months. Any way of telling whether one of these is mechanically past it's prime? Anything I should be listening for? Wiggling?

Paul McGaha
12-12-2011, 3:02 PM
Hi Eric,

i have a Turbo 3 I bought used from a creeker. I like it a lot. Compared to the 16 gallon Ridgid shop vac that it replaced I would say the air flow for the Fein might be a little less than the Ridgid vac, The Fein is far more quiet and the Ridgid, You could just about carry on a normal conversation with the Fein running. Is it local to you? Would be great if you can try it before you buy it.


Eric DeSilva
12-12-2011, 3:22 PM
I should be able to turn it on. Frankly, the price is so good that unless it was used as a wet vac to clean up restrooms, at least one is probably coming home with me. Turns out it won't be until tomorrow, however.

Steve Baumgartner
12-12-2011, 5:52 PM
There's no magic to the innards of a Fein, just top-quality parts. So, the targets of internal wear are the same as on any other vacuum: the brushes and bearings. Unfortunately, you can't get at either of those without taking it apart. So unless the seller is willing to let you do some surgery, you are just going to have to listen to it and take your best guess. A properly running Fein is quieter than just about any other shop vac and has no raspy or grating aspect to the sound.

Kent A Bathurst
12-12-2011, 6:01 PM
Take a fast mouse with you. Give him a head start. You should still be able to snag him, if the motor is working well.

Harlan Barnhart
12-12-2011, 8:27 PM
Hmmm, sounds like you have experience....:)

Gary Curtis
12-12-2011, 9:21 PM
I've got the Turbo II. A bit smaller. If durability is a concern, consider this: only the Fein and Festool vacs use cool, clean air to cool the motor, rather than air sucked in through the hose. Much easier on the motor.

My wife has a habit of stealing my shop vac to clean the house. Very annoying. And though the Turbo II has a smaller canister than the III, the bags last about 3-4 months in my shop. (I do have a Dust Collector for the big machines).

Eric DeSilva
12-13-2011, 4:50 PM
Well, I'm now the owner of a matched pair of Turbo IIIs for $100 ea. Cosmetically they aren't beauties, but they both work and since the cosmetics are mainly dust, they will probably clean up fine with a little fantastic. Given the price, I had a half a mind that it was a scam to get my email from CL, but I thought advertising 6 of them at $100/ea one week, then 3 the next, was probably beyond the creativity of the usual scam artist. Then I started worrying they were stolen, but it turns out it was a contracting business closing down; communications were all through email addresses identified with a legit business. So I pulled the trigger... I'll probably invest another $100 in fresh filters and bags, but I'm pretty happy with the deal!

Paul McGaha
12-13-2011, 5:00 PM
Sounds like you did well Eric. A new Turbo III is like $400, So 2 of them for $200 is outstanding I think.


Victor Robinson
12-13-2011, 5:23 PM
That's a great deal. You paid less for two Turbo III's than I did for my little Turbo I.

Neil Brooks
12-13-2011, 6:11 PM
Of all the things in my shop where I care, at all, about cosmetics, my ShopVac ... well ... isn't even on that list.

Meaning ... you (and your new Feins) both/all suck :)

Kent A Bathurst
12-13-2011, 6:33 PM
Eric - gotcha any mice yet?