View Full Version : Mayybe Ugly but it Works

Harry Robinette
12-11-2011, 7:44 PM
This isn't pretty but it works great, wore it today for about 4 hours NO headache:D Seams to have plenty of air and the Uvex face shield of course is great for seeing everything you want. The Aircap fan and filter assy does a great job,the reason I quit wearing it was the plastic shield that keep the air going down across your face did NO protecting of your face. So when I started wearing the face shield to protect my face I lost the filtered air for my lungs. I really think putting these together was a really good way to get both. The hood assy my wife made for me today it helps hold the air in and keep the dust from coming into the shield. I'm very Happy.:D:D

Jim Burr
12-11-2011, 7:52 PM
As long it keeps you healthy Harry...you have my blessing!! Nice work on staying clean!

Joe Watson
12-11-2011, 7:56 PM
Thats awesome - love to see things like this - nice job


Steve Schlumpf
12-11-2011, 8:57 PM
As long as it works for you and protects your lungs... what else could you ask for! Nice work! I do have to say though, it does have a certain 'take me to your leader' quality! Cool!

Ricc Havens
12-12-2011, 10:47 AM
How much did the assembly cost? can you share the construction details? Where do you get an "aircap fan & filter?

Ricc Havens
Elkhart, IN

Dick Wilson
12-12-2011, 12:47 PM
Hi Harry, What are ya turning, active bee hives???? Whatever you're turning it looks like this will be of great benefit to you. Protect the lungs at all cost my friend.

Bill White
12-12-2011, 2:46 PM
One small step..........
How did ya find the conditions on the moon?
Looks like it will work well.

Bill Wyko
12-12-2011, 2:49 PM
Actually seems like it would be great for those of us with beards & mustaches.

ray hampton
12-12-2011, 3:49 PM
dick wilson use my comment ,great minds work together and I am sure that the common minds work together too

David E Keller
12-12-2011, 6:37 PM
Plus, if there's an ebola outbreak, you'll be a jumpsuit away from being ready! Glad to hear you found a good solution and that your lungs will be protected!

David DeCristoforo
12-12-2011, 6:46 PM
Looks like you could survive in deep space with that rig! Just don't sneak up on any kids with it on...

Bill Bolen
12-12-2011, 6:52 PM
Great job Harry! Gotta admit I love shop made stuff.

mike holden
12-12-2011, 7:24 PM
That is really slick!
How did you attach the fabric on the sides?

Baxter Smith
12-12-2011, 7:43 PM
Glad you have found a solution Harry!

Harry Robinette
12-12-2011, 8:16 PM
Well I used it for some small turning today and works great. I had an Aircap from back when they were cheap I think I paid under $200.00. The problem was that the face shield had NO protection it was only there to direct the air. When we all realized face protection really was needed I put the fan and filters on the Uvex face shield but it drew in to much dust through the top and sides. So I bought the Trend Airshield Pro and got headaches. Then the wife said she could make a hood to cover the area between the shield and my head so there you have it. Space man or just goofy it works and I don't do fashion.:D
The hood is just nylon from a wind breaker and Velcroed to the shield.

ray hampton
12-12-2011, 9:19 PM
is the velco glue to the shield, which one of the glues are best

Alan Zenreich
12-13-2011, 8:04 AM
I buy self adhesive backed velcro in rolls at my local hardware store. The adhesive works beautifully on plastic surfaces.

Bernie Weishapl
12-13-2011, 11:18 AM
Looks like it will work well. Glad you found a solution.

Harry Robinette
12-13-2011, 8:26 PM
Ray I do like Alan self adhesive Velcro, it even worked to adhere to the nylon the hoods made from.

Bernie I was getting a little nerves about finding something after the Airshield gave me headaches. So far its working great,Well keep you posted.