View Full Version : Further Exploriation Suspended....time for a break

Dick Wilson
12-11-2011, 7:03 PM
I have a headache from the time spent on exploring different top treatments. I need a break. I have gone back to piercing as a form of mental floss. This is the last piece in the journey, so far. After a break I will return to the discovery with fresh eyes. Anyway, I have not read anywhere that a "finial" has to max out proportional to the form. Box Elder HF approx. 7" x 5" lacquer finish and Beall buffed. Sooooo I have made sure my thick skin is in tact so have at it:D215474

David DeCristoforo
12-11-2011, 7:07 PM
OK. Out of the three, I like this one the best. If the photo were not crooked, this would look fantastic. Please rotate the image about two degrees clockwise and repost it. This is too cool!

Curt Fuller
12-11-2011, 7:15 PM
It's not that there is anything wrong with any of the three top treatments you've done. Each is unique, original, and creative and I think they all look pretty good. But in my opinion, this HF is a great example that not every HF looks better with a finial, regardless of the creativity behind it. Opinions will vary and mine are usually somewhat out of line, but I think the red lid or collar spoils something about the wonderful natural coloring in the wood. I also think the bump it creates at the top breaks the nice flow of the rest of the form. So if it were mine, and I had your talents at texturing, I might lose the red collar and put a very small textured ring around the opening. To me that's just a really pretty piece of wood and anything you do at the opening is going to have to be very subtle to not spoil it.

Jim Burr
12-11-2011, 7:34 PM
What's wrong with this one Dick? The finial is whatever you want it to be...but the HF and the cap are top form. Breaks are good in any discipline!

Richard Allen
12-11-2011, 7:41 PM
My take is the the top is in competition with the turning. The top should be in harmony with the turning. So how can that harmony be achieved? I could say that I don't know what it is but I know what it isn't when I see it. That is a cop-out. I would take cues from the HF. There are two things in the HF which come across a strong design elements. First is the shape of the HF. So a lid which mimics that shape might have a good chance of providing that harmony. The other feature which is strong in this HF is the line of red stain around the piece. Perhaps a top which follows the contours of the red line would work to harmonize a lid with the HF. It is also quite possible that having made one or both of these tops the effect would come across as totally unsatisfying. I would be of the mind to leave the HF topless.

Good luck with your quest.

Jamie Donaldson
12-11-2011, 7:51 PM
215487OK Dick, I won't pick on your funny final finial form, but I will pick on your blue color cast to give you something to think about during your break! What are you using for a light source(besides the flash) to get these blues? I can't even fix it completely with Photoshop!

John Keeton
12-11-2011, 7:54 PM
I vote with Curt on this one! Personally, I think the finial idea is too much for the form, and the wood stands well on its own.

Jon McElwain
12-11-2011, 7:57 PM
Okay, I'll bite. Metaphorically of course. It doesn't do anything for me. I love the hollow form, but I have not liked any of the finial treatments. This one looks like a nice hollow form with a little red spaceship on top - the stick was it's obscure landing pattern or something.

I keep thinking that an Asian flavored lid - something curved, but not turned, and reminiscent of one of those Japanese samurai swords resting in its display stand would look good. The HF has a bit of Asian appeal with its coloration.

Again, I really like the form, but I agree with Curt, the finial has to be subtle.

Bernie Weishapl
12-11-2011, 8:58 PM
I do like that HF Dick. The wood is beautiful. I am another one saying a finial is not needed.

Wally Dickerman
12-11-2011, 9:13 PM
The form is great and I wish I had some wood like that. As was discussed before, There has to be truth in a critique. When I saw this pic I thought to myself...why did he put that stick into a classical form? Not every piece needs a finial.

I have a suggestion that has worked for me. As you know, finials are touchy to get right. What is a just right finial for one piece might not work for another piece. I made several finials to try, and plan to make more in different styles and in some cases colors. My next finial venture will be some carved finials. Lots of possibilities there.

Dick Wilson
12-11-2011, 10:59 PM
215487OK Dick, I won't pick on your funny final finial form, but I will pick on your blue color cast to give you something to think about during your break! What are you using for a light source(besides the flash) to get these blues? I can't even fix it completely with Photoshop!

I am using a grey sheet.:eek: I know the pics I post are driving you nut, sorry my friend

Dick Wilson
12-11-2011, 11:04 PM
Thanks for the comments guys. After my brain rests on some much needed R & R I will revisit tops. For now it is art form piercing. Jamie, I promise to re-do my photo set up and use better backgrounds. There is no sense in you trying to do something with my lousy photography:o

Jamie Donaldson
12-11-2011, 11:15 PM
I accept the challenge, and am always available for "consultation!";)

robert baccus
12-11-2011, 11:18 PM
Bueatiful bowl. an artist does not try to satisfy anyone but himself anyway. after all you are trying to express something and if the ignorant and unwashed do not appreciate it let them buy it and burn it. having said this i don't like the darn fineal either. but then my bride complains about most of my pieces anyway.-----------old forester

robert baccus
12-11-2011, 11:22 PM
OBTW.....how did you finish the box elder. it looks like marble! did you do any bleaching or dyeing ect. really cool job.----------old forester

Mike Cruz
12-11-2011, 11:29 PM
Still like the sundae...

Dick Wilson
12-12-2011, 7:57 AM
OBTW.....how did you finish the box elder. it looks like marble! did you do any bleaching or dyeing ect. really cool job.----------old forester Robert, I used Deft rattle can lacquer. Three coats. I let it cure and buffed with White Diamond and Carnuba on the lathe.

David E Keller
12-12-2011, 9:03 AM
I'm not crazy about the stick, but then I kind of like it as well. I've played around a bit with sticks and such for finials, ans there are a couple of things about them that have given me fits. First, it's hard to attach them without making them look 'stuck on', and secondly, they're difficult to 'center' on the piece visually. Any tips from the group about either of those issues would be much appreciated.

I think the part that bothers me the most is the foot... I don't think this piece needs it with the great looking curve you've done! I'm a known footaphobe, so take that with a grain(or block) of salt.

Your last few posts have really generated some interesting comments and critiques... Thanks for that!

Betty Fox
12-12-2011, 9:06 AM
+1 with Mike Cruz there. The sundae was the tops in my book. :)

Dick Wilson
12-12-2011, 9:25 AM
I'm not crazy about the stick, but then I kind of like it as well. I've played around a bit with sticks and such for finials, ans there are a couple of things about them that have given me fits. First, it's hard to attach them without making them look 'stuck on', and secondly, they're difficult to 'center' on the piece visually. Any tips from the group about either of those issues would be much appreciated.

I think the part that bothers me the most is the foot... I don't think this piece needs it with the great looking curve you've done! I'm a known footaphobe, so take that with a grain(or block) of salt.

Your last few posts have really generated some interesting comments and critiques... Thanks for that!

David, I know were you are coming from. I was struggling with the same thing. How do you attach something totally foreign that works. I see all the pics from others that do it. Too be honest I haven't figured it out yet. I, for some reason, all of a sudden I got sort of tired of all the "traditional tops" I have done in the past. As to the posts on various forums the ideas are all over the board. It certainly has generated a lot of dicussion....I love it. Not all "atta boy" comments in my direction. That is what I wanted. Everything everybody said will make me THINK. Mission accomplished. I hope it continues.

Dick Wilson
12-12-2011, 9:28 AM
+1 with Mike Cruz there. The sundae was the tops in my book. :)

Yea Betty, but you are a sundae lover. If I glued that top to a rock you would be looking for a spoon;):D

Steve Schlumpf
12-12-2011, 12:33 PM
Dick - I applaud all your efforts in creating a variety of finials! I usually turn one and then am ready for the next HF!

This particular finial does not work for me. Other than the color, it doesn't offer anything complimentary to the Box Elder or the lid for that matter. I don't know if it is the extended length, the way the finial is attached to the lid or exactly what... Maybe its just that I am used to the more traditional/golden means type of work. Then again, I am not an art expert and this may be a huge hit at galleries!

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!

Dennis Ford
12-12-2011, 12:34 PM
I am bucking the trend here but I like the finial. I agree with David about the foot, it does not quite fit with the form.

Scott Hackler
12-12-2011, 12:44 PM
One thing to concider Dick, is that you shouldn't try to "force" creativity. Your inspiration will show up when you least expect it. You should jot it down on paper so you won't forget and once you start making your inspirations.....set them out of your own view for several days and then look at them again. You will know what works (mostly) and definitely know what isn't working at all.

I experiement all the time and a lot of the time I was "just do it and display it". That worked great to get people discussing it, but most of the time those pieces didn't work (part of the problem with "on the lathe" design). Now I still experiment, but a lot of the experiments get trashed and noone sees them. Ones that I am either unsure of or happy with, make it onto SMC for you all to critique.

This one doesn't work for me. Not because of the use of the stick, but because of the holder and the length of the stick and possible shape of the stick. The experiment could and should continue. Don't get frustrated, just keep experimenting.

Bill White
12-12-2011, 2:57 PM
I just want to know how ya turned the finial.......
Beautiful wood and finish.

steven carter
12-12-2011, 3:07 PM
Dick, while I applaud you efforts in experimentation, this one does not catch my fancy, but did get me thinking. I was wondering what it would look like without the collar altogether, and if the stick was attached to the bottom of the HF, so I did a little crude playing with photoshop and came up with the following. If nothing else, just another idea that is worth what you paid for it.215569


Dick Wilson
12-15-2011, 3:04 PM
Dick, while I applaud you efforts in experimentation, this one does not catch my fancy, but did get me thinking. I was wondering what it would look like without the collar altogether, and if the stick was attached to the bottom of the HF, so I did a little crude playing with photoshop and came up with the following. If nothing else, just another idea that is worth what you paid for it.215569


Sorry I missed your response the first time. Thanks for PM. Ya know, I just plain never thought about doing something like this. I really think you are on to something. I have never seen a HF with this type of embellishment. Thanks. Now the headache will return:eek:

Baxter Smith
12-15-2011, 3:09 PM
I like the form and the wood is very pretty Dick. I am not very imaginative so the finial doesn't give me a thrill.:)

Bill Wyko
12-15-2011, 6:56 PM
Ultimately you wil never know if you don't try. Personally, (pause to think) I'm on the fence with the finial but the vessel is beautiful.