View Full Version : Stupid Question of the Day

Joe McMahon
12-09-2011, 3:28 PM
Being a newbie, I came on to a Teknatool nova dovetail chisel. I do have a nova jaw set. I understand that the chisel will make a tenon that will perfectly fit into the Nova jaws.

Now for the dumb question: How does it work? Is the tenon tapered? If so, then the chisel would have to be used from the end of the turned cylinder with the edge of the cylinder facing you?

Sorry for the dumb question but I just can't wrap my pea brain around this one.

Steve Mawson
12-09-2011, 3:33 PM
Most of the Nova jaws do take a tapered tenon. There are a few that are straight. I use a diamond point scraper to make mine and yes I make the tenon on the tailstock end. You can use the dovetail tool but it is not required. A skew will work as well.

Allan Ferguson
12-09-2011, 4:01 PM
This tool is for recess dovetail. Not for external tenon.

Joe McMahon
12-09-2011, 4:03 PM
Thanks for the quick replies

Jim Burr
12-09-2011, 4:09 PM
I use a Dovetail gouge just because I have one. Mine is ground on a 90 beacuse my Baracuda jaws are 90, not tapered. A skew will work fine...layed flat of course!

Richard Jones
12-09-2011, 4:25 PM
"Make the spigot as parallel as possible to maximise the efficiency of the clamping action."

From the Nova SN2 manual. The dovetail is for expansion only.


Steve Vaughan
12-09-2011, 4:46 PM
Yup, to what some here have said, the dovetail is for expansion. Do a 90 on the tenon. Here's a case where you can probably put that money on another tool and create your cuts like you need them with existing tools.

robert baccus
12-09-2011, 7:58 PM
What is a dumb question???-----------old forester