View Full Version : Cedar Cane

Steve Vaughan
12-07-2011, 5:28 PM
I've got lots of other items to show and tell but haven't gotten them quite finished. But this cane needed to be done pretty quick. I'm having knee surgery in the morning - hopefully minor, meniscus and some exploratory - and I thought I might need one of these rather than using crutches. Made from cedar, sanded to 320, four coats of shellac and two coats of lacquer. Handle is a tad large, but it'll have to do in this pinch!


Paul Williams
12-07-2011, 5:30 PM
Looks good Steve. Good luck with your surgery.

Jim Burr
12-07-2011, 6:41 PM
That's a great shape Steve! I can't help but think cedar may be a bit soft for a use like that. Hope it goes well!

Sid Matheny
12-07-2011, 7:02 PM
Looks just fine to me Steve but you better put a rubber foot on it or it will slip when you put weight on it on a slick floor. DAMHIKT.


Steve Schlumpf
12-07-2011, 7:02 PM
Steve - the cane has some great color to it and you already know - no one else will have one even remotely like it! Hope all goes well with your surgery!

Dennis Ford
12-07-2011, 7:09 PM
I hope your surgery fixes your knee problems. That cane looks too pretty for heavy use.

Roger Chandler
12-07-2011, 7:14 PM
Nice cane Steve.........hope you surgery goes well tomorrow. My wife is having knee surgery on Monday. I think she is going to prefer a walker.........she will need the stability that offers.

John Keeton
12-07-2011, 8:18 PM
Steve, good luck on the surgery!! They have gotten so much better with meniscus repair in the last few years. I really like the "doorknob" handle. Probably would not normally think cedar would be good for a cane, but looks like you used a straight grained piece, so hopefully it does well for you.

James Combs
12-07-2011, 8:24 PM
Don't you just love the smell of the shop after turning Cedar? Makes a nice looking turning also.

Steve Vaughan
12-07-2011, 8:28 PM
I'm only 'planning' on using this thing for a few days. It was the only suitable piece of wood I had handy. It's actually quite stiff and strong, but boy, it sure sands out nice! I'll use it a bit and retire it or give it away to someone. Yes on the rubber foot, and I've got one to slip on it. My wife actually bought one today, the real deal rubber cane foot, but I told her it looked too much like an old man cane if I put it on there. Oh well, it's a temporary thing anyway! Thanks for the well-wishes. And, @Roger, I bet you could whip out a walker of some fashion on the old lathe in no time!

ray hampton
12-07-2011, 8:53 PM
good luck with your surgery, will you be able to bend your knee ?

Donny Lawson
12-07-2011, 9:26 PM
I hope it goes well and I wish for a quick recovery. Excellent looking cane.

David E Keller
12-07-2011, 10:30 PM
Neat and practical project! Best wishes on a speedy recovery!

Steve Vaughan
12-10-2011, 11:43 AM
Thanks for all the well-wishes! Surgery got everything corrected but I'm gonna be down off the lathe longer than I expected. I tried it a bit today and keeping all the weight on one leg just ain't a good thing. After throwing a bowl off the vacuum chuck cause I was off-balance, I called it a day after just 15 minutes. I'll try again tomorrow. I'll just grab the cane and go back to my chair with remote, laptop, pillows for propping, and ice. Dang it all!

Scott Hackler
12-10-2011, 12:03 PM
Nice cane. It's pretty cool to make something that you will weed to use, right away. Hope your back to 100% soon.

Joe Watson
12-10-2011, 7:28 PM
Functional work is great, along with being a reminder of your surgery (not sure if thats good or bad).
Looks good... best of luck getting to 100%.
