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View Full Version : Just received my new "bleemished" LV shoulder plane...

Jerome Hanby
12-06-2011, 12:52 PM
...and I'm darned if I can find the flaw. Has me wondering if this is just a sneaky way for Rob to play Santa! haven't made any shavings yet, but I've enjoyed holding it and playing with the blade adjustment.

Jim Matthews
12-06-2011, 1:52 PM
You know that their brown VOC packing paper is made from recycled opium pipes, don't you?

Jerome Hanby
12-06-2011, 1:57 PM
I didn't know that...but I do know what I'll be doing tonight <g>

Tom Lauder
12-06-2011, 2:33 PM
I got mine yesterday and I also dont see anything wrong with it whatsoever.


Rod Sheridan
12-06-2011, 2:37 PM
I got mine yesterday and I also dont see anything wrong with it whatsoever.


Remember when everything was high enough quality that you couldn't find the defect in factory seconds?

Now I'm lucky if I can find a usable factory first...............Rod.

Jerome Hanby
12-06-2011, 3:58 PM
Factory seconds (at least the LV flavor) are what we're talking about here. I did find the defect with my plane...he's typing this post at the moment <g>.

Rember when everything was high enough quality that you couldn't find the defect in factory seconds?

Now I'm lucky if I can find a usable factory first...............Rod.

Joe Angrisani
12-06-2011, 6:46 PM
I just received my LV "mfg second" shoulder plane, too. THE ONLY blemish I can find anywhere is a mushy-looking cast "D" in "CANADA" on the black lever cap. Otherwise? Perfect.

Dave Bonde
12-06-2011, 8:47 PM
Count me in also. I even put my glasses on and still found no defect on my new plane. Thumbs up again for Lee Valley.

Matt Day
12-07-2011, 8:02 AM
Rub it in guys, just keep rubbing it in!