View Full Version : Trying to identify cabinet hinge

Dan Beckman
12-04-2011, 3:59 PM
Here is a photo of a hinge from an old cabinet in my garage. I need to buy replacement hinges but I can't identify the type to buy. The face of the cabinet doors are flush with the frame of the cabinet. Any help is appreciated.

Jamie Buxton
12-04-2011, 4:16 PM

Dan Beckman
12-04-2011, 5:17 PM
Thanks Jamie. Looked through the list you provided and the one that comes closest to matching is the variable overlay pivot hinge, like Amerock BP1242-2G (13th item from top of page. Does this look right to you? It is not in stock until February 2012. Any other suggestions?

Paul Girouard
12-04-2011, 6:15 PM
Rockler item number 26955 on page 124 of the August 2010 catalog. I searched it on Rockler's site and it said item not found , maybe it's a discontinued item? They call it a easy mount pin hinge in the catalog.

Paul Girouard
12-04-2011, 6:42 PM
This ones close , but the Rockler one looks exact.


Mike Kelly
12-05-2011, 2:11 PM
It looks like a Youngdale hinge. CSH has a complete selection. Make sure you know what you need before you order. There are several selections and sizes.

http://www.cshardware.com/pc_combined_results.asp?tab=style&search_style=(searchlike~pcs.nm~youngdale|Or|searc hlike~pcs.ds~youngdale|Or|searchlike~pcs.num~young dale)|and|&search_prod=(searchlike~p.nm~youngdale|Or|searchli ke~p.ds~youngdale|Or|searchlike~p.sku~youngdale|Or |searchlike~p.optional7~youngdale|Or|searchlike~p. optional8~youngdale)|and|&search_keyword=youngdale