View Full Version : What's to Lose/ $1 Disston

Mike Hutchison
12-04-2011, 12:28 PM
Three weekends ago people up on the corner were having a garage/yard
sale. I quickly went to the metal building in the back yard and checked
out some tools. There was a saw, rusted and pitted, with a one crack clear through the handle and several others starting. Corner of top horn broken off. All teeth intact save two. But it had a nib and the plate was straight. The Disston medallion looked newer than the rest of the saw (to me). I passed. The next weekend they were at it again. I stopped, the man offered to give me the saw when I mentioned I had been there looking at it, so I gave him $1 and put it in the truck. When I started work on the plate I noticed that the part of the back that fits in the handle was pretty flaky. Handle had to come off. Three buttons came off easy. Medallion not so much. Tried Blaster multiple times, no luck. Since I already had decided that I would try to cut out a new handle for it, just did what I had to get the handle off.
Then saw some of the plate would have to go and new holes drilled.
I clamped the old piece with holes to my shortened saw plate w/ welding clamps and tried to drill new holes. Can't find a bit that even begins to go through this plate. Any body experience same or know what type bit
is needed for this task?


Saw was 29 3/8" along the back and 7 7/8" high at heel
Now 26 1/2" / 7 7/16"
Any input appreciated
Mike Hutchison

Joe Bailey
12-04-2011, 5:31 PM
have a look at this discussion:

Mike Hutchison
12-04-2011, 8:34 PM
Joe; Thanks for the link; lot of stuff there that should help
Mike H.