View Full Version : Roly Bowl

David DeCristoforo
12-03-2011, 6:25 PM
Let me start off by setting the record straight. This was not an attempt to overcome my apparent apparent phobia about turning bowls. Rather, it is the result of a sudden and inexplicable obsession with spheres. The first one I attempted was a total failure. The second was to be a hollow sphere turned from a chunk of my "bark-o-burl". I managed a pretty good spherical shape and had it hollowed out about 2/3 of the way when the top vanished, separating at one of the bark lines and transforming into a cloud of fine particles. I had saturated the bark inclusions with CA but this was, apparently, insufficient structural reinforcement. What remained was a partial sphere with a very ugly, ragged top edge. I parted it off and then attacked it with a bowl gouge, managing several fairly smooth and uneventful trips down the inside. Ended up with a respectable 3/16" inch thickness. The next hollow sphere is already on the rack.


Nate Davey
12-03-2011, 6:53 PM
Nice looking half sphere. Can't wait to see your full sphere.

charlie knighton
12-03-2011, 7:24 PM
that looks like its ready to explode, must have been a light touch David, very nice

James Combs
12-03-2011, 7:39 PM
David if it were me as far as anyone else was concerned I was turning a "hemisphere".:rolleyes::D Great looking wood BTW.

Tom Wilson66
12-03-2011, 9:42 PM
That's so ugly it's purty!

Baxter Smith
12-03-2011, 11:26 PM
Congrats on getting it half done! Spheres are tough enough with a solid piece of wood!

David E Keller
12-04-2011, 12:21 AM
I like it! I wish it had made it all the way to the sphere finish line, but sometimes 'it' happens.

Reed Gray
12-04-2011, 2:27 AM
I was wondering what else you turned. I have a friend who turns "earthquake" bowls similar to yours.

robo hippy

John Keeton
12-04-2011, 6:38 AM
David, your end result and your intended result are only half a world apart! My theory is that chunks of wood actually "know" what they want to be and some are so strong willed they simply will not be anything else. I think your chunk of wood made a good decision - looks fine.

Hope the next chunk is more willing to be a full sphere!

Rick Markham
12-04-2011, 7:22 AM
It's a Hemisphere :) I think it's great David, certainly has character. Bark O burl huh? See what happens when you don't fill all those pesky voids. :eek::p I've been thinking about spheres, you're one step ahead of me... You've actually tried one so far. I'm looking forward to seeing where this idea takes you. I think I'm stuck on lidded boxes for awhile, too many ideas for them swimming around my grey matter.

Careful what you put in your bowl, it might roll right off the table!

Curt Fuller
12-04-2011, 10:37 AM
Regardless of your original expectations, it made a cool little bowl. The wood is great too.

Don Alexander
12-04-2011, 11:04 AM
looks like you have the sphere shape down pretty good on that half :D

David DeCristoforo
12-04-2011, 1:00 PM
I must point out that this is not a hemisphere. It's at least a ninesixteenthsisphere.

Rick Markham
12-04-2011, 4:50 PM
It's the dreaded "Bark-o-burl Almosta-Sphere"

Steve Schlumpf
12-04-2011, 5:12 PM
Never tried a sphere... and at this point in time, it really doesn't excite me, but I really like this wood! Wonderful color and texture! Looking forward to seeing the sphere when you get it completed!

Bernie Weishapl
12-04-2011, 5:16 PM
Really beautiful wood David. Cool looking piece though.