View Full Version : The old skew quandry......

Bill White
12-02-2011, 5:05 PM
Just checkin' with you party animals about how many of ya use a straight skew vs: a cambered/radiused.
I've seemed to have better success with the radius, but I have a fine old W.Butcher skew that I've been reluctant to regrind. Whatcha think?

Bill Bulloch
12-02-2011, 5:24 PM
I prefer the striaght skew, because I like to ride the point when making a plaining cutting from right to left. I find I can make bead cuts better with it and, of course, it is irreplaceable when making V cuts.. I have a radius skew and do use it just not as much. I think you are less likely to get a catch with the radius skew.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-02-2011, 5:36 PM
I have and use both. In his video, Alan Lacer recommends learning with a straight skew and progressing to the radiused skew. Again....I like and use both.

Harry Robinette
12-02-2011, 5:43 PM
Keep the old one straight you'll find a good use for it.

Rick Markham
12-02-2011, 7:47 PM
I am impartial to the bullet shaped grind that Eli Avisera recommends. It's a straight edge. but the shape of the bevel makes the skew way more controllable IMO.

Roger Chandler
12-02-2011, 8:44 PM
I use both from time to time........the radius is the Alan Lacer skew [big one] and I seem to use it less, simply because most of my turnings are smaller that I would need one for...........I like them both..........for table legs and larger spindles, I like the big Lacer radius skew because the radius makes it easier to roll a bead!

dan carter
12-02-2011, 8:51 PM
I use both. Both work well. Both can cause issues if not used correctly.

Bob Bergstrom
12-02-2011, 9:26 PM
It seems to be which one you have success with. Both work if used correctly. A well maintained tool rest at the right height will help a lot.

Bernie Weishapl
12-02-2011, 9:30 PM
I have several of both. I would start learning with a straight and then venture to a radius skew. The skew is my favorite tool.

Rick Markham
12-03-2011, 6:36 AM
I have several of both. I would start learning with a straight and then venture to a radius skew. The skew is my favorite tool.

I love mine now! makes such beautiful wispy little curlies, and a nearly flawless finish. The skew is an amazing tool :)

Ryan Baker
12-03-2011, 9:31 PM
I use both. I tend to use a radiused edge on my large skews and straight edges on my smaller skews. Try both and see which you prefer. It's easy enough to change the grind.