View Full Version : Santa Ana winds and turning.

John Beaver
12-01-2011, 1:52 PM
Last night Southern California got pelted with very strong Santa Ana winds, wreaking havoc with trees and power lines. This happens when a high pressure system pushes the dry air from the desert towards the ocean.

At 4:00 yesterday afternoon we were in fog with the humidity in the 90% range. An hour later the Santa Ana winds brought in the dry desert air and the humidity dropped into the teens. If you don't have your roughed out bowls bagged you can almost hear them cracking!!! You don't want to turn wet wood in these conditions, as the wood will dry out and split before you are done roughing.

There was a lot of damage around Los Angeles from all the trees that fell over night. On a positive note, I'll be out looking to cut up those trees and hope to have a whole new stash of logs to turn.http://www.sawmillcreek.org/images/icons/icon12.png

Kenny Jacobson
12-01-2011, 6:22 PM
On a positive note, I'll be out looking to cut up those trees and hope to have a whole new stash of logs to turn.http://www.sawmillcreek.org/images/icons/icon12.png

No kidding. I've made a personal commitment to not to acquire any more wood until I turn at least some of what on the side of my house, but I'm still making a mental list of what I'll stop for: Eucaluptus = no, Ficus = no, Pear = yes, Live Oak = yes, ash = no, sycamore = maybe, etc...

I have to admit I was a little nervous on the way to work this morning. I think I actually drove at the posted speed limit...weird, I know...:)

Bernie Weishapl
12-01-2011, 6:40 PM
Buddy of mine called me from LA and told me if I didn't hear from him in a day or two he would still probably be at sea where the wind put him. He said they had some wind gusts out there clocked at 97 mph. I have been thru 70 mph winds but that is hurricane winds. Stay safe guys. Bag the rough outs.:eek::D

John Beaver
12-01-2011, 7:45 PM
No kidding. I've made a personal commitment to not to acquire any more wood until I turn at least some of what on the side of my house, but I'm still making a mental list of what I'll stop for: Eucaluptus = no, Ficus = no, Pear = yes, Live Oak = yes, ash = no, sycamore = maybe, etc...

I have to admit I was a little nervous on the way to work this morning. I think I actually drove at the posted speed limit...weird, I know...:)

Hey Kenny, if you need to get rid of some..... let me know. My list is similar to yours except I use the Ash and Sycamore.

John Keeton
12-01-2011, 9:55 PM
I guess good comes with the bad - hope you guys didn't have any damage, but find lots of neat wood.

Curt Fuller
12-01-2011, 9:59 PM
John, I think those winds started in Wyoming and blew across northern Utah before hitting So California. It was a wild day here for sure.

charlie knighton
12-01-2011, 10:01 PM
90 mph winds, on the right coast we call that hurricane, start over desert over africa, sort of similar