View Full Version : A photo test

Scott Hackler
11-30-2011, 9:30 PM
OK, with the latest talk of picture taking and such, I took a recent piece downstairs to the photo tent and thought I would take a series of photos with slightly different settings for everyone to compare. Granted these have been reduced in quality but maybe we can learn from this experiment.

All taken with same double CFL light set up (R&L), in tent, #39 gradient background, NO POST PROGRAM ADJUSTMENTS (except reduce size)

http://www.thespinninglog.com/aphoto/test1.jpg http://thespinninglog.com/aphoto/test2.jpg

Shutter = 1/4 --------------------------------Shutter = 1/5
ISO = 100----------------------------------- ISO = 100
F-Stop = f8 ----------------------------------F-Stop = f8
Metering = Pattern ---------------------------Metering = Pattern
Exposure Comp 0 -----------------------------Exposure Comp 0


http://www.thespinninglog.com/aphoto/test3.jpg http://www.thespinninglog.com/aphoto/test4.jpg

Shutter = .77 -------------------------------Shutter = 1/2
ISO = 100 ----------------------------------ISO = 100
F-Stop = f14.1 ------------------------------F-Stop = f14.1
Metering = Pattern --------------------------Metering = Pattern
Exposure Comp 0 ----------------------------Exposure Comp 0


I have been shooting with f22, 1/4 sec ISO200, so these are different settings for me.

My eye is favoring the last two. I like the improved contrast of the last one, but it may be a bit dark.

What does everyone else think?

Marty Eargle
11-30-2011, 9:39 PM
I would actually say that the last two are a bit washed out compared to the first. To me, the second photo in the first set gives the best representation of the piece, but it is still lacking something that makes it pop out from the background. Quality post processing could really make any of them work though. The magic of Photoshop...

Ken Hill
11-30-2011, 9:52 PM
You need to really try and get the lighting so that it helps add depth & build contrast. All in all not bad, and a 10 second tweak is all that I can see on such a small image. #1 as closest to a correct exposure, the rest are under exposed. The two specular highlights do NOTHING for the image.... one of the biggest things to deal with as it can bring alot or take alot away from a product shot.

Reverse engineer what you have...2 lights, mid way up the subject both at the same angle.....un flattering light. Change up the height, the distance between the lights and the angle at which they spill light on the scene. Cross light it, try one light high and at a downward angle. Tons you can do to make a much better image of your hard work.


Ken Hill
11-30-2011, 10:04 PM
Learn to use the highlights and how to set your lighting and you can show off things in an image



Change the light angle, hiegth etc and subdue the specular and show detail with less shine off the product



Using a softbox alot closer to the product allowed me to show the gloss of the finish as well as soft diffused lighting overall.


Adjusting the light(s) until I get what I want. Play around, do some reading and learn your camera!


Jake Helmboldt
11-30-2011, 10:56 PM
Ken, those 12ga shotgun shells look almost real! Is that bloodwood? ;)

Those are some nice photos (and calls). Are you shooting with a digital?

Philip Duffy
12-01-2011, 5:10 AM
Ken, You need to put out a tutorial on your photo talent and skills. Amazing photos of the guns/ammo,calls. Phil

John Keeton
12-01-2011, 5:47 AM
Scott, the #39 paper has white at the bottom, but your pics don't show the white. All of the pics show gray at the bottom. Are you placing the turning on the white to shoot the pics or higher?

Ken Hill
12-01-2011, 7:25 AM
Jake-yes all digital

Scott Hackler
12-01-2011, 9:20 AM
Scott, the #39 paper has white at the bottom, but your pics don't show the white. All of the pics show gray at the bottom. Are you placing the turning on the white to shoot the pics or higher?

Yes, I have the paper situated in my tent with a box under it, so the darker part of it could be behind the pieces. My background is very large (larger than posterboard) and with the smaller turnings I WAS getting no dark pattern in the background.....so I raised the base for sitting items on, underneath the paper. Maybe I need to order a smaller sheet of #39 (11x17).