View Full Version : Thievery of the Jackson Prayer tree

Roger Chandler
11-29-2011, 10:18 PM
I got notified today from the lady that donated the Stonewall Jackson Prayer tree, that the remaining portion of the tree that was the last piece we needed to get was stolen. This was a really big root and bottom of the trunk of the tree..............

Whoever stole this had to have had some equipment in order to load it. At least a large trailer and a tractor/ end loader, or some other similar means of loading this.............

She has called the Augusta County Va. Sheriff's office, and they are supposed to send out a press release, and sawmills will be contacted to keep an eye out for anyone wanting something like this cut up.

Unbelievable that people have no respect for others property and would thieve an item like this.............I guess I should not be surprised......

This part of that 350+ year old white oak was likely to have the best figure in the grain of all the wood, and I am just thankful that our turning club got the great majority of this tree.......probably 90 percent [estimate]

If anyone hears anything about this ...........send me a private message! Thanks!

Bernie Weishapl
11-29-2011, 10:21 PM
That just sucks Roger. Nothing is sacred anymore. I still remember the days when you went to the store to get something and didn't bother to lock the doors and not even on the car.

Roger Chandler
11-29-2011, 10:30 PM
Thanks Bernie...........that root base was 9 ft. x 7 ft. 4 inches. I know this thing had to weigh a ton, at least maybe more. I hope the sheriffs department gets some good leads!

Bob Bergstrom
11-29-2011, 10:42 PM
Can't see them advertising it for what it really is. I lived in Northeast Iowa in the late 60.s they were stealing veneer quality walnut logs at night with mufflers attached to the chainsaw. Every once in a while a farmer would report missing the trunk on his large walnut tree. At that time some were said to be worth up to a $1000.

Curt Fuller
11-29-2011, 11:17 PM
That's too bad that someone took the wood. But I have to wonder if they actually stole it or if they might have thought they were doing someone a favor. I don't know anything about the circumstances around this Jackson Prayer Tree, but I know I've taken a lot of wood that has been cleared for utilities, constructions sites, etc with the idea that what I was taking was just that much less they had to haul away. I know I should ask and I do when I can, but I also know that if I wait more than a day or so it will end up in the back of a dump truck on its way to a landfill. I'm not trying to justify them taking your wood but I think if I saw a big ol' stump that looked like it would have some great turning wood, if it sat there long enough and I had the means to load it up, well, that's where I get a lot of my wood.

Roger Chandler
11-29-2011, 11:24 PM

This tree sat on the edge of a farmers field...........off the road on a lane that was totally closed to traffic and had a fence across the entrance................on numerous occasions they have had people coming by to steal a small piece of this.........when it first came down.............now that we almost had all of it recovered, someone took advantage of our work and evidently felt like they could get it onto a truck or something.........

This was deliberate............no mistaking this one!

Nathan Hawkes
11-29-2011, 11:41 PM
There's no way possible that this wood could have been taken mistakenly. I was there. It was my giant saw that cut the tree up. There is no way anyone took it by accident. Anyone who set foot on the land knew they were trespassing and stealing.

Baxter Smith
11-29-2011, 11:43 PM
Too bad Roger. One of the drawbacks of publicity.

Roger Chandler
11-29-2011, 11:49 PM
One thing about publicity...........since the Augusta County sheriff's dept. is investigating this and putting out a press release, I notified the reporter of the Daily News Record, who did the original story on this to let him know it was stolen........maybe a story alerting the public will serve to prevent someone from ill-gotten gains and possibly lead to a tip where the thing is recovered.........

Maybe we will get lucky!

Andrew Kertesz
11-30-2011, 5:49 AM
Nobody has any respect any more. It will be knid of hard to put a cash value on it for prosecution when they catch the lowlifes that stole it. Good luck with getting it back!

John Keeton
11-30-2011, 6:05 AM
Roger, as I recall, you guys had several pics - can you provide one for the press release so at least folks/sawmills will know what the trunk looks like.

Rick Markham
11-30-2011, 7:14 AM
People can be pretty lousy sometimes, sorry to hear about this Roger! It's good you guys put in a lot of work and got the majority of the tree. Don't let someone's poor behavior tarnish your experience! Hopefully their consciences and backs are sore ;)

Roger Chandler
11-30-2011, 7:37 AM
Roger, as I recall, you guys had several pics - can you provide one for the press release so at least folks/sawmills will know what the trunk looks like.


I am sure between myself and the owner, that a picture can be given to the sheriff's dept. Every time we had a cut & haul day, dozens of pics were taken for documentation for the club archives.

Betty Fox
11-30-2011, 8:57 AM
People as a whole are good. Individual people are sometimes bad. I hope you find the wood before it gets chunked up. Sorry to hear this.

charlie knighton
11-30-2011, 10:21 AM
with the last few weeks of frost, i would not be surprized if it was taken for firewood, sorry to hear about this Roger

Ken Hill
11-30-2011, 10:26 AM
It needs to be locked up and welded shut it seems to keep thieves at bay:mad:

Roger Chandler
11-30-2011, 1:20 PM
I got a call today............there may be a lead on this...........I won't know for a day or two, but a little positive news on this earlier today...........hope it all pans out..........if it does.........I will post the outcome!

Michelle Rich
11-30-2011, 1:34 PM
rats, double rats.

Tony De Masi
11-30-2011, 1:43 PM
As others here have said this is not very good news, nor is it a stunning revelation either. TMA

Jake Helmboldt
11-30-2011, 1:58 PM
Roger, I knew you would be posting about this. I just saw it here in the RTD via an AP story. I think they know what they have and I doubt it was for firewood. Firewood is much easier to score. Something is bound to turn up (hopefully). Only an idiot would think they could fence that for what it really is.

Roger Chandler
11-30-2011, 4:25 PM
Roger, I knew you would be posting about this. I just saw it here in the RTD via an AP story. I think they know what they have and I doubt it was for firewood. Firewood is much easier to score. Something is bound to turn up (hopefully). Only an idiot would think they could fence that for what it really is.

Thanks Jake for the heads up on this article........I went to the times dispatch website and sure enough, it is there on page 2. There are developments I am not at liberty at this time to disclose...........maybe if things work out, I can give some general info if all pans out.

David DeCristoforo
11-30-2011, 5:55 PM
Roger, I am very sorry to hear of this. But part of me has been laughing all night (please excuse me... I know it's no laughing matter). I just cannot imagine some guy (or guys) sneaking around in the night with flatbed trucks and cranes or fork lifts, stealing giant root balls. Every now and then, someone posts a pic of some neighbors tree and the tongue in cheek replies start to fly. But the idea that someone would actually do it is beyond imagination. I keep having visions of flyers stapled to telephone poles like those "lost kitty" posters only with pictures of the giant root ball. Anyway, I do hope they find the creeps and that you get your wood back. The idea of someone taking it "by accident" is ludicrous. "Oops... was that your root ball? Oh...sorry about that."

Roger Chandler
11-30-2011, 5:59 PM

Funny! :D:D:D:D:D I talked with someone today who has seen this section..........they estimate this at over 2 tons! :eek:

Roger Chandler
11-30-2011, 7:57 PM
I got word an hour or so ago that two television stations are now carrying the story......our local TV station did an interview with one of our members who has been involved with this project with me from the beginning...........

Interesting developments.............I think this one is going to backlash on the crooks!

Additional - I just had a conversation with the owner of the tree who donated it to our club.........there might be a story in the works about this project and our club coming out of all this.........perhaps TV cameras and reporters at one of our club meetings.................oh my! :eek:

Jamie Donaldson
11-30-2011, 8:33 PM
I can't imagine what thieves (treenappers?) would do with such a big chunk of historic wood, other than hold it for ranson?

Roger Chandler
11-30-2011, 8:35 PM
I can't imagine what thieves (treenappers?) would do with such a big chunk of historic wood, other than hold it for ranson?

When the full story comes out, you will likely be surprised!

Scott Hackler
11-30-2011, 8:36 PM
I hope you are able to retrieve this wood, Roger. And that the crooks are caught.

David E Keller
11-30-2011, 8:40 PM
I'm betting it was a rogue group of beavers... They're nasty little varmints and not to be trusted!

Rick Markham
11-30-2011, 9:54 PM
DD, it made me think of a ATM robbery in Kansas City 15 or so years ago. I remember the surveilance video vividly... Truck with block and tackle pulls up... guy gets out... guy wraps massive chain around drive thru ATM... Truck drives off with ATM and 10 tons of concrete attached to ATM. Not sure they ever caught those guys, still to this day it makes me wonder what anyone driving behind that truck could have thought.

I hope they get them! But Keller may be right... those fuzzy fellers ain't to be trusted! They sure make nice coats though :)

Jake Helmboldt
11-30-2011, 11:00 PM
DD, it made me think of a ATM robbery in Kansas City 15 or so years ago. I remember the surveilance video vividly... Truck with block and tackle pulls up... guy gets out... guy wraps massive chain around drive thru ATM... Truck drives off with ATM and 10 tons of concrete attached to ATM. Not sure they ever caught those guys, still to this day it makes me wonder what anyone driving behind that truck could have thought.

I hope they get them! But Keller may be right... those fuzzy fellers ain't to be trusted! They sure make nice coats though :)

Or the one where they tried the same approach, only to yank their rear bumper off the truck, leaving it at the scene...complete with license plate. Sorry to hijack the thread Roger, but something tells me these clowns that took the tree aren't a whole lot brighter.

Roger Chandler
11-30-2011, 11:38 PM

The tree portion that was missing has been found by the sheriff's dept...........according to the news report I saw on the TV tonight, the deputy says that there was a mix up or a miscommunication somewhere.................evidently an elderly neighbor had mis-stated something that the guys who took the wood thought they had permission from the owner..........which was not the case at all.

I frankly do not know how this all happened............the reports I am hearing make no sense to me, but I guess in the best interest of everyone involved, no charges evidently are being pursued. Anyway, the missing piece is supposedly being returned tomorrow. It will be stored in a secure location from there!

David DeCristoforo
11-30-2011, 11:49 PM
See... I told ya... "Oops... was that your root ball? Oh...sorry about that."

Read all about it:


Steve Schlumpf
11-30-2011, 11:49 PM
All I can say is 'amazing' as the wood just keeps adding history to itself!!

Chris Colman
12-01-2011, 1:33 AM
Check out the link. "Stonewall's Prayer Tree wasn't stolen after all".


Roger Chandler
12-01-2011, 7:21 AM
I'm betting it was a rogue group of beavers... They're nasty little varmints and not to be trusted!

David .........it is my understanding that these rogue beavers drove a truck and two trailers, ......one with a loader on it!

Rick Markham
12-01-2011, 7:37 AM
They don't have to be clever beavers... just well prepared :)

Ken Hill
12-01-2011, 7:44 AM
Better to ask for forgiveness then permission LOL

Roger Chandler
12-01-2011, 8:17 AM
I just had a conversation with the owner............there are, let's say "unanswered questions" that remain on how all this fiasco developed. Sometimes the best "spin" is put on things.............

According to our local paper this morning............when those "beavers" saw the news reports..........they called the sheriff's department, and well, that did speak well for the recovery.............

Anyway.........the owner has yet to figure out how they thought they had "permission" ..................but being charitable, the "misunderstanding" explanation is being allowed to stand.

I have heard a term used..............it think it is called " C.Y. A. " [you figure it out :rolleyes: ]..........perhaps..........I do not know the motives of any one's heart, and I will not make statements not factual, at least not on purpose, so the "explanation" of the beavers will have to suffice for now.

Betty Fox
12-01-2011, 8:55 AM
So these people are minus one Prayer Tree Stump, some gas, and some Doan's pills. Couldn't happen to nicer guys. :)

Nathan Hawkes
12-01-2011, 12:19 PM
Sounds to me that there are some VERY lucky beavers who won't be spending the holidays in lockup.

David DeCristoforo
12-01-2011, 12:49 PM
Glad you got it back... Can we crack jokes about it now?

Roger Chandler
12-01-2011, 1:11 PM
Glad you got it back... Can we crack jokes about it now?

Fire away, David! :D

Roger Chandler
12-01-2011, 1:22 PM
Sounds to me that there are some VERY lucky beavers who won't be spending the holidays in lockup.

Hey Nate..........I might be inclined to agree with you! ;)

Steve Vaughan
12-01-2011, 3:46 PM
I'm just really glad it's back - no harm, no foul, I guess. I love wood with at story, and as someone alluded to earlier, this wood just has the stories adding up! What a great treasure!

Baxter Smith
12-01-2011, 5:02 PM
Glad things worked out though I would be interested in hearing exactly how they managed to "slip away" with something that size.

Curt Fuller
12-01-2011, 6:57 PM
"Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!"

Larry Whitlow
12-01-2011, 10:59 PM
That's too bad that someone took the wood. But I have to wonder if they actually stole it or if they might have thought they were doing someone a favor. I don't know anything about the circumstances around this Jackson Prayer Tree, but I know I've taken a lot of wood that has been cleared for utilities, constructions sites, etc with the idea that what I was taking was just that much less they had to haul away. I know I should ask and I do when I can, but I also know that if I wait more than a day or so it will end up in the back of a dump truck on its way to a landfill. I'm not trying to justify them taking your wood but I think if I saw a big ol' stump that looked like it would have some great turning wood, if it sat there long enough and I had the means to load it up, well, that's where I get a lot of my wood.

I get a lot of wood this way too, but never would take from someone else's property without asking.

Roger Chandler
12-02-2011, 11:26 AM
I guess if something is returned to its rightful owners................well it is no longer considered "stolen" maybe I should change the name of this thread to "Returned - the SJPT"

Rick Markham
12-02-2011, 3:21 PM
Some people will do almost anything to get into the history books!!!!

Rod Sheridan
12-02-2011, 4:46 PM
Very interesting, at least it was returned.

This is a pretty timely thread, I'll be working in Mount Jackson for the next two weeks..........Rod.

Roger Chandler
12-02-2011, 8:55 PM
Very interesting, at least it was returned.

This is a pretty timely thread, I'll be working in Mount Jackson for the next two weeks..........Rod.


Our annual Christmas meeting is tomorrow morning at 10 am.........you should come by.......we will be meeting in the bowling center in front of Peter's shop! You are most welcome to come!

Rod Sheridan
12-05-2011, 9:58 PM
Roger, thanks for the invitation, it was greatly appreciated however I arrived today so I missed the meeting..............Regards, Rod.

Mike Cruz
12-05-2011, 11:20 PM
Roger, I've been "away" from the Turner's forum for a little bit. Just read this thread. Really glad you got it back. Now, make a whole bunch of tooth picks with it!

Roger Chandler
12-06-2011, 12:59 PM
Roger, I've been "away" from the Turner's forum for a little bit. Just read this thread. Really glad you got it back. Now, make a whole bunch of tooth picks with it!

Thanks Mike...........I hope we do better than tooth picks :eek: with this tree! ;)