View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
03-07-2005, 9:22 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. And I'm GLAD it over with too!!!! I came OffCall this morning for my real JOB (Just Over Broke) and the stress is gone!!! Woo-Hoo!!!!

Anyway, no real time this weekend for shop activities. I have 3 kids with the flu and high fevers, and the LOML now has Asthma and bronchitis!!!! :eek: It's been quarantine / isolation for three very contagious kids and disinfecting and cleaning house and everything they touch since Friday morning. As of right now, all fevers have been broken and kids / LOML are feeling better except for my youngest son who still is feeling poorly and running a low grade fever. :(

So other than WORK and tending to family medical needs...no real shop time. I did find time to rough out a bowl...but that's it.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Dunn
03-07-2005, 9:28 AM
Walked 4 miles over the weekend. (Laugh if you want but it's a big accomplishment for me) Had back sugery and it's doctor's orders. Can't pick up more than 10lbs for the next 3 weeks or so. Shop time is limited to layout and watching my son cut out drawer sides and backs.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-07-2005, 9:32 AM
Saturday.had to work. Sunday....I completed the wall insulation of my new shop. It's ready for inspection. Now just have to get the vapor barrier up and it's on to covering walls and ceilings........I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Steve Clardy
03-07-2005, 9:47 AM
Went to the KC woodworking show.:)
Had a great time. Met a few new woodworkers.:)
Got to see Hatfield again, and pawned off a couple of planes to him to add to his growing hand plane addiction.:eek::D
Bought a neat Bosch hole saw set. It has a snap-lock system. Can't wait to try them out.:)

Scott Coffelt
03-07-2005, 10:24 AM
Saw Clardy and 16 others for breakfast Saturday morning.

Went to the WW show. I'll post when I can, but bought a LN block rabbit plane, 12" Forrest Chopmaster, and a couple of small things.

Sunday was spent working on the house.

Douglas Robinson
03-07-2005, 10:31 AM
Went to Ron McNeil's and bought his mini-lathe with execessories. Met Chris Haney there from North Carolina. He was buying Ron's PM contractor saw and Jet bandsaw. Great guys, enjoyed their company. I will post pics soon.

Jeff Sudmeier
03-07-2005, 10:58 AM
I assembled the first of 5 drawers for the dresser I am working on. I should get 3 more assembled tonight and a good start on the 5th. Finally all of the work on all of the parts is starting to come together :)

Keith Christopher
03-07-2005, 11:16 AM
Well I spent all sunday trying to fix my kitchen sink (apparently a trap gave up the ghost) Well also apparently I have custom parts under there. SO , no kitchen sink until parts arrive. *le sigh*


David Fried
03-07-2005, 11:45 AM
Doweled the cross member in the workbench base, finishing the base. Now on to the top! Finished the sanding on a bandsaw box for my daughter. Now it's just a question of oiling, waxing, and flocking. Hope to have pictures later this week (EASY TYLER).

I took advantage of the mild mid-fourty temperatures and spent most of the weekend working on my shop. It has large holes in the east and west walls where there once were windows. I found some sash at the dump and fit two pieces into the hole in the east wall. Looks like a good fit so building a frame shouldn't be too hard. The west wall had decrepid sash without glass in it and I have been reworking that. One piece of sash is done: filled, sanded, primed, new glass, glazed, and painted. I proped that piece in the hole to see how it looks. Looks Great! Still have one more piece of sash to rework but with three out of four windows at least proped in place the wind isn't whistling through as badly as it was.

I don't have the DC hooked up yet ( another long story ) and took the shop vac home for the winter but continued to use the bandsaw (14" Delta). The sawdust was one to two inches deep for five feet around the saw. I spent several hours vacuuming and brushing to get the saw and the whole area cleaned up. While I was at it I put the new PowerTwist link belt on the saw and finally got all the covers put back on. Looks much better and runs a bit smoother too.

Actually, a pretty relaxing weekend!

Karl Laustrup
03-07-2005, 11:49 AM
LOML asked what I wanted to do for my B-Day weekend. I said work in shop and I got my wish, weather was very nice for a change. 52* Sat. & 60* Sun.

Got most of LOML's stuff moved, but lots to do to free up that space in garage/shop. Went out to eat Sat. for my B-Day and had best prime rib in quite a long time. Most of all LOML and granddaughter allowed me to work on garage/shop. :)

Oh, and thanks Jim B. for the wishes. It was good. :D

Matt Meiser
03-07-2005, 11:52 AM
Friday night I planed some 8/4 maple for a friend from work who is building a kitchen table. He has another friend helping him, but that guy doens't have a planer. Forgot to check the cyclone, overfilled it, and blew a lot of junk into the filters, so I spent some time cleaning them. After planing, we cut the pieces to width and he gave me all the scrap. Most of it is 2x2 or greater, two pieces 5' long, and two 10' long. It'll make nice legs for something.

Saturday and Sunday I worked on my router table. It is based on the NYW design, but entirely to my own dimensions. I tried out Cutlist plus to maximize the use of sheet goods and found that it works quite well. I'm using the Rockler top I already had. I purchased it about 5 years ago and threw together the 2x4 base you see in the picture intending it to be temporary. I'm finally getting around the to permanent base.

Jim O'Dell
03-07-2005, 12:03 PM
Hi guys!

I took Friday off to be at the house while the tree trimmers were doing their thing. Had to drop the electrical and cable lines so they could cut a damaged tree down. Did some work on the shop. Painted the 10' section of wall and the door on Saturday. Put up the foam board and Tyvek on the 20' section of north wall, with out any help I might add...that Tyvek is not a one person job. Had to pull the electrical meter loose and stub it out to fit with the new siding (electric company worker was nice enough to cut the lines at the roof so I could safely work in the meter...will have to be inspected before re-connect, but will have to do that with all the rewiring and new panel anyway.) Now I need to cut and install the window in that north wall before I can put the siding up. Hope to get started on that tonight. Jim


John Hulett
03-07-2005, 2:29 PM
Got started building more "pantry" cabinets in the garage. They'll be the same as the first set I made in the fall; 6' 9" high, 36" wide, 24" deep, hung from french cleats, made of fog-gray melamine. Pictures of the first set can be seen in this post: http://sawmillcreek.org/showpost.php?p=141902&postcount=6

Got a good jump on cutting the melamine parts to final dimension, and cutting all of the dado's, grooves and rabits. I need to try to assemble and edgeband during the week to take advantage of a visitor next weekend to help me hoist them up on the wall.

Dan Gill
03-07-2005, 3:57 PM
I worked on my Misson headboard (from Wood mag last fall). I have been using some QSWO I got at one of the local suppliers that I wasn't terribly happy with. Fortunately, some wood came in at Austin hardwood that was just gorgeous! I'll use enough of that to get some great ray fleck throughout the headboard. Pictures due when it's put together.

Jim Becker
03-07-2005, 5:56 PM
Friday night I cleaned up a few architectural ideas for a potential future home addition to share with a friend. Saturday, after a nice breakfast of fresh-baked whole wheat bread and latté, Dr. SWMBO and I took a drive to Bridgewater NJ to check out the rug sale at EXPO and look at lighting, both for the dining area in our great room. Scored on both accounts...got a nice rug for 50% off and ordered some very nice glass pendants that will hang down over the table from about 10 feet up from a rail between the barn beams. After a quick snack at a local eatery, we headed back toward home, stopping at Fred Voorhee's place so Dr. SWMBO could see the new bar room and then on to my favorite wine store before crossing back into PA. Ali took me out to a wonderful birthday dinner that evening. Life is grand.

Sunday, it was "into the shop" after breakfast and getting the new rug in place. I got started on my Mantle Capper Project as detailed in another thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=17645). After a nice hearty dinner of grilled Havarti sandwiches and turkey chili, I worked on another alternative for the prospective addition's master bath...I'm sure it will be at least a year before we can even think about such things, but it's fun planning for the possibilities!

All in all, it was a great weekend! The sun was even out...

Alan Mikkelsen
03-07-2005, 6:27 PM
I spent Saturday building a new jig to put dovetails in the corners of frames, then mocking up a design for a Unity candle (see other thread). I'll post finished pictures of the design. In between times, I hauled cartloads of stuff for my wife, as she begin cleaning out the myriad of flower beds we have.

Corey Hallagan
03-07-2005, 6:44 PM
No wood working, more remodelling. Had a ceiling joisted replaced and a seciton of ceiling drywall replaced as well. Lot of wall prep and wallpaper removal, lots to go.


Russ Massery
03-07-2005, 7:27 PM
Finished gluing up a headboard, that the parts kept getting in may way in the shop.Must say I'm very happy so far...... Sunday I got outside and did some vehicle maintenance just to get outside.............. it was sunny and 65 degrees :D today it's back to winter, right now it's 28 and snowing :mad:

Tom Peterson
03-07-2005, 11:37 PM
NIce weather in the midwest led to a great deal of garage clean-up and car washing ony to be spolied by today's weather. Installed undercabinet lighting in the new laundry room. Installed new nickel plated door hinges. Constructed templates for cutting and sizing the new maple countertop for same room and attached allsorts fo hagers and nick nack type items to help "finish the room. This room willl be done next weekend amen