View Full Version : vintage hand drill question

Acharya Kumarswami
11-28-2011, 12:23 PM
I have a Pratt No. 6 breast drill that is quite nice.
But am I missing some technique? It works great for drilling, but when you reverse the wheel to back out the bit, that loosens the bit in the chuck and the bit is left behind in the wood?

This drill does not seem to have a reverse.
Do some models of these old drills have a forward and reverse?

Jim Koepke
11-28-2011, 3:07 PM
It works great for drilling, but when you reverse the wheel to back out the bit, that loosens the bit in the chuck and the bit is left behind in the wood?

I have had this happen with drills when the bit gets stuck in the wood. The bit offers enough resistance for the chuck to become loose.

I often just keep the drill going in the same direction an back it out that way.


del schisler
11-28-2011, 3:18 PM
They are made to back out when going clock wise and drilling . Try and not get the bit stuck. Bring out the bit and clean out the chips often . I guess you are talking about a brace and bit tool ??

Acharya Kumarswami
11-28-2011, 3:30 PM
Thanks. I get it. I'll give it another go.

This is a large model "eggbeater" drill. A Goodell Pratt No. 6.