View Full Version : Having Fun with small scraps

Roger Chandler
11-26-2011, 9:24 PM
I had planned on turning some today, but the day really got way too busy! Finally this evening at about 8 pm I got a few minutes to go out to the shop and since there was not much time to get into anything of consequence, then I just looked for some little scrap material and thought I would give a go to another Christmas ornament.

Well I found a piece of Osage Orange that was the tenon from a hollow form I turned almost 2 years ago.....decided it was at least a piece I could see if it might work with a contrasting wood, even though it has more of a brown appearance than the orange it had originally.

I would have made the icicle longer, as per the critiques on the other ornament I made, but this is scrap that I just had to use and get what I could out of it, so not ideal, but acceptable!


These things are a great way to use up scrap wood you have lying around that you really can't use for much else but don't want to burn. Comments welcome!

Bernie Weishapl
11-26-2011, 9:40 PM
Cool Roger. I told the wife see what you can make with scraps. She thinks I am a pack rat for saving all those small pieces of wood.lol

Roger Chandler
11-26-2011, 10:10 PM
Cool Roger. I told the wife see what you can make with scraps. She thinks I am a pack rat for saving all those small pieces of wood.lol

Maybe you should make a couple for her and say "see honey, I saved these so you could decorate our Christmas tree!" :D

The pics of this in my post make the finish look distorted...........it is rattle can lacquer.......still wet.........so I guess that is why it shows up a little grainy in the picture...........now that it is dry, it is nice and smooth!

Donny Lawson
11-26-2011, 10:11 PM
Looks very nice to made from scraps. Most of my scraps end up as firewood.

Roger Chandler
11-26-2011, 10:25 PM
Looks very nice to made from scraps. Most of my scraps end up as firewood.


I guess I am a little like my grandfather.........he was a WW1 veteran, who bought a farm when he got out of service and farmed his whole life with a mule and an ox.........never had a tractor, and only a 2nd grade education. He could build anything..........including the house and barns on the farm.

He never owned a car, and he would walk the road to get to places, and if he saw a piece of metal along the way, he would pick it up and take it back to the barn and store it way............he might find a way to use it 20 years later, but he always knew what he had and how he could possibly use it.

I am not quite that bit of a pack rat, but if I think I might be able to use a piece of wood..........I hold on to it until I either use it, or decide I don't want to keep it any more [rare that happens!] then I might toss it into the wood stove during winter.

John Keeton
11-27-2011, 7:03 AM
Roger, I like this one a bit better than the other one, and with a longer icicle it would be perfect! Is that holly in the icicle?

Roger Chandler
11-27-2011, 8:03 AM
Roger, I like this one a bit better than the other one, and with a longer icicle it would be perfect! Is that holly in the icicle?

The icicle is maple, John........I am pleased that I have a few pieces that are about as white as holly.......I think they are from the sapwood of that big maple from up the street I posted about back in the spring.

Anyway, they hold crisp detail pretty well, although, I have had some chip out with a couple pieces including this one at the very tip........if you look closely you can see a bit of distortion from a purely symmetrical point on the flame end..............again, just scraps and learning how to do these.........

Allan Ferguson
11-27-2011, 11:57 AM
Used a bunch of 2" sq. cut offs this year making finger tops. Sold them and now short of cutoffs. Those small odd pieces can be little treasures. Nice work on the turnings.