View Full Version : One air cleaner as a slave to another, electrically speaking?

Matt Meiser
11-23-2011, 10:26 AM
A friend just called to let me know he's found me a lightly used Delta Air Cleaner to add as a second unit to my shop. its a lot fancier than the one I have, which has no controls other than an on/off switch. I use a hardware store remote to control it since its mounted up at the ceiling. This one has a timer and remote. I got to thinking, would it be crazy to add a relay and a receptacle to the side and make my old unit a slave?

I did find some information on the unit on another site (lumberjocks.com/pjaromin/blog/3766). It looks like the three speed motor is a minor issue with the motor having 3 different for the three speeds. I could just trip the relay on high speed since that's where I'd want to use the thing anyway. or I could get fancy and ad a 3-position switch that allows me to determine the slave activation speed.

Someone shoot my idea down...

Plan B is probably to do something like the guy above did and just use the same remote control solution I have since it has 3 receivers. DON'T need another remote! But then I loose the timer feature.