View Full Version : Maple vase x 3

Hayes Rutherford
11-22-2011, 3:52 PM
These three vase forms were turned from some Norway maple that Dan Forman and I acquired last year. Turned green last winter and finally finished yesterday with several applications of french polish. The tallest is 9-1/2".

Comments and suggestions always appreciated.

Marty Eargle
11-22-2011, 4:01 PM
Very nice looking vases! I like the one on the right side the most but with that grain, they go great as a set!

Roger Chandler
11-22-2011, 4:31 PM
Very nice trio, Hayes............be sure to post on WOW........maybe you could get a cover photo like Dr. Keller did! :D

Bill Bulloch
11-22-2011, 4:35 PM
I like all three of those... wood, form and finish. Good job.

Steve Schlumpf
11-22-2011, 4:44 PM
Nice variety of forms! Something there to appeal to everyone! Thanks for sharing!

Bernie Weishapl
11-22-2011, 5:06 PM
Really nice variety Hayes.

Robert McGowen
11-22-2011, 5:12 PM
Nice trio, Hayes. The one on the left is very well proportioned.

Baxter Smith
11-22-2011, 7:51 PM
Very nice trio Hayes. Pretty wood and pretty shapes. I read somewhere you should try to not have the opening and the base the exact same size. I have tried to do that on the vases I have made recently. Don't know if yours are or aren't. Pictures can be decieving. Just a thought.

John Keeton
11-22-2011, 8:03 PM
Hayes, that sure is some beautiful wood! I love these trio collages, and this one is no exception. Very nice work, and great finish. When you say French polish, are you referring to the traditional shellac, applied with an oil "rubber"? Would love to know a little more of how you do this, as I am fond of shellac generally.

Derek Gilmer
11-22-2011, 9:00 PM
I really like the center and right piece. The size,gain and shapes compliment each other well.

David Reed
11-22-2011, 10:07 PM
Wow, I like them all. The central piece is a bit different and peaks my interest. Nice finish too - French polish? Yea, what John said...

David DeCristoforo
11-22-2011, 11:18 PM
Great grouping. I like the way you "flipped" the center one...

Dan Forman
11-23-2011, 3:56 AM
Really nice in form and figure. They really work well as a trio, like the middle one best, but all are good. I've got one of those rounds down in the basement waiting, but trying to get through most of the walnut first. Have to get some tops and stuff done for the club meeting too. See you there?


Michelle Rich
11-23-2011, 6:26 AM
neat trio..luv the wood & how you placed the shapes in it..my fave is #1

Hayes Rutherford
11-23-2011, 8:58 AM
Thanks for the encouraging comments. Its fun to hear that different ones are liked and I always hope as Steve said that there is something to appeal to everyone.

Roger, the suggestion to post on WoW is much appreciated. It's mostly a time thing and I don't fully understand the restrictions and rules on that site.

John, I did apply french polish in a traditional sort of way. I first brushed on thinned down shellac on all three pieces. Working on multiple pieces is better than one. No need to stop applying, just go from one to the next until about three coats. I started by brushing because use of the "rubber" requires oil and I didn't want any in the wood.

I briefly used some wet/dry 400 or 600grit and walnut oil on the heavier brush lap marks but not so that I went through the finish. (spraying would avoid this) With the rubber you can do three things: apply finish, take finish off, or just move it around and that all depends on the balance of oil, alcohol, and finish in and on the rubber. I had enough shellac brushed on so I just used alcohol and oil. The alcohol starts to dissolve the finish and the oil keeps the rubber from picking it up. (If more shellac build is needed, unfold the rubber and add some.) Then I just went from piece to piece moving the finish around rubbing out the lap marks. Sounds complicated, requires practice, but the benefit is you can put on a respectable finish on a number of pieces in an hour or so.

Thanks again.

David E Keller
11-23-2011, 9:29 AM
Great stuff, Hayes! Now that the two of us have entered trios, perhaps the rest of these folks should follow suit! I'm hereby issuing a 'trio challenge'!